Message From the Vice President of Academics

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Executive Message

Message From The Vice President of Academics (Interim)
Dr. Simone Vigod

Women’s College Hospital

headshot of Dr. Simone Vigod

Through a year of adversity, challenge and uncertainty every member of Women’s College Hospital has impacted the way we operate and how together as a hospital we have adapted and continued moving forward. Our priority has been the safety and well-being of our WCH community of patients, their caregivers and everyone who learns and works at WCH. Through a combination of in-person and virtual visits, WCH continues to offer services in the safest way possible.

If you are joining us as a student learner, welcome! We are thrilled you chose to continue your education with Women’s College Hospital, and we look forward to being part of your healthcare journey. WCH is dedicated to hosting over 1200 learners per year from a variety of health professions, as well as non-clinical professions throughout its 100-year history. Although many hospital placements were put on hold at the beginning of the pandemic, learners have been re-integrated into the hospital-. As a smaller hospital with a multitude of specialty clinics, WCH offers a unique and one-of-a-kind experience. Education has adapted to the changes in the healthcare environment as well, over the past year we have: supported clinicians to use different models of learner supervision, supported learners to provide virtual care, and have trained staff to work in new covid related areas.

There is no doubt that in the past year the way health care is delivered has changed and been adapted. In many ways, the experience has shown that WCH is ready to embrace the future. We also know that today’s successes will be followed by new and unexpected health care challenges tomorrow. Continuing to support lifelong learning is a key focus here at WCH, as there are new practices and advances being pioneered constantly.

We thank all our staff, learners, educators, researchers, volunteers and community members for their dedication and hard work, especially during these challenging times of COVID-19.

Simone Vigod