Submit Your Abstract for the Day of Excellence in Academics

March 17, 2023

As part of WCH’s Day of Excellence in Academics on Thursday, May 11, 2023, we’re inviting physicians, nurses, health disciplines, staff, scientists and learners to showcase their work in the form of a poster or infographic. The deadline to submit your abstract is coming up on April 5, 2023.

All accepted submissions will be available for in-person and virtual viewing. The top five submissions will deliver an oral presentation on the Day of Excellence in Academics. 

Please use  this form to submit your abstract. 
Use this link to register to watch the Interprofessional Poster Presentations & Awards Ceremony.

Key dates 
Deadline to submit abstract/form: April 5, 2023
Deadline to submit poster: May 1, 2023
WCH Day of Excellence in Academics: May 11, 2023; poster presentations are at 12:15 pm-1:15 pm.  
Posters displayed at WCH: May 8, 9, 10, 11, 2023 

We want to showcase WCH talent across the board! As such, you are welcome to submit posters/infographics that have been presented elsewhere in the past two years.  Please note, projects are not eligible for submission if either of the following are true:   
1. The project does not have appropriate organizational approval (for example, REB approval for research projects; APQIP or manager/director approval for QI projects).
2. The project contains sensitive information.
3. Submissions are not able to produce a poster or infographic for the poster gallery.

You are the future of healthcare, and we invite you to celebrate your successes on this day!