The Respirology Program is an interprofessional clinical care, research and education program for individuals at risk for or with pulmonary disease. The program involves physicians, respiratory therapists, educators and pulmonary function technologists.
The range of services we offer includes:
- assessment and therapy
- pulmonary function testing
- radiology screening and studies
- bronchoscopy
- patient education
- smoking cessation
- sleep apnea assessment
Contact Info
76 Grenville Street
Floor 4
Toronto, ON M5S 1B2
Phone: 416-323-6137
Fax: 416-323-6132
- Allergy Clinic
- Pulmonary Function Lab
- Respirology Clinic
A referral is required.
eReferral Respirology & PFT:
eReferral for Allergy Clinic:
Ocean eReferral Network: For more information about eReferral can be found here.