The Substance Use Service at Women’s College Hospital provides in-person and virtual care to people seeking information or assistance regarding their use of substances, including prescription medications.
We take a holistic, trauma-informed approach to the assessment and support of people who use alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines, cannabis, cocaine, methamphetamines and other substances.
We see individuals 16 years of age and over by appointment as well as on a walk-in basis through our RAAM (Rapid Access Addiction Medicine) clinic.
Formal referrals are not required but are encouraged.
RAAM Clinic
RAAM (the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine clinic) is a clinic where patients who need urgent assessment can be seen without a pre-booked appointment. RAAM hours are intended for people attending the clinic for the first time and for people who are not connected to care elsewhere. The clinic operates as an in-person and virtual clinic.
Digital Front Door
RAAM Digital Front Door is a new service allowing people who can’t access RAAM in person to receive assistance virtually. Individuals can connect to experienced health care professionals simply by ‘checking in’ to the website on any device – phone, laptop or tablet.
RAAM Hours
In-person drop-in:
Monday: 10:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.
Thursday: 10:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m.
Digital Front Door
Connect Here
Friday: 1:00 p.m – 3:00 p.m.
Booked appointments
Monday – Friday:
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Contact Info
76 Grenville St
Floor 3
Phone: 416-323-7559 x 6
Our services include:
- Assessment of substance use concerns and associated medical and mental health concerns
- Review of treatment options, including medication, counseling & community supports
- Brief individual counseling
- Medication assisted treatment for alcohol, opioid and cannabis use disorders
- Management of acute withdrawal from alcohol and opioids
- Support for opioid and benzodiazepine tapers, including transition to buprenorphine
- Education on overdose prevention and the use of naloxone
- Harm reduction education and supplies
- Referral to longer-term treatment programs
- Treatment and referral for concurrent mental health needs
- Group supports such as Early Recovery and Seeking Safety
What we do not do:
We do not see people specifically for smoking cessation and we do not offer treatment for behavioural addictions (e.g. gambling, gaming or sexual behaviours).
We do not provide ongoing psychiatric care or pain management.
Our team consists of addictions physicians, a social worker/psychotherapist, addictions service workers and a nurse practitioner.
- Walker Akhlaghi, Peer Support Worker
- Dr. Jaspreet Bassi
- Dr. Marc Dagher
- Dr. Julie Henderson
- Dr. Pam Leece
- Dr. Nothando Wohlgeschaffen
- Dr. Jennifer Wyman
- Dr. Shaylan Govind
- Dr. Damian Rzeznikiewiz
- Dr. Gabilan Sivapatham
- Camille Keith, Addictions Service Worker
- Allan Smart, Addictions Service Worker
- Leslie Molnar, Social Worker
- Lisa Jauhal, Nurse Practitioner
- Janis Macdonald covering while on leave.
Please fax your referral to 416-323-7739. The WCH patient referral form or any EMR referral is welcome. Please include CPP, past treatment, recent lab work if available and any specific/safety concerns.
What to Expect
A safe, non-judgemental space where individuals receive specialized services and care.
You may be asked to complete a self-report form regarding your general health and substance use.
You may be seen by a medical resident or a medical student as part of your assessment.
Since we offer walk-in appointments, if you are coming to RAAM wait times will vary. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Your first appointment will take longer; you may be at the clinic for up to 2 hours.
Follow-up appointments are typically shorter and can take anywhere from 15-60 minutes.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify our clinic secretary at 416-323-7559×6 to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
What to Bring
- A list of all medications you are currently taking
- Medications that you need to take during the day
- A support person. A trusted family member, friend or other person close to you can help you gather information, take notes and ask questions, as well as provide emotional support.
- Questions: Feel free to bring a list of questions to your appointment to help you remember everything you want to ask.
Additional Resources
- META:PHI Patient Resources – Information for people who use substances, family & friends
- RAAM Clinic Listings
- Connex Ontario Health Services Information
- Online information about drug, alcohol, gambling and mental health services in Ontario, including withdrawal management centres, residential treatment options and wait times
- Harm Reduction TO – harm reduction information and community resources in Toronto including overdose prevention and supervised consumption site hours
- Toronto Public Health Harm Reduction & Supplies
- In the Rooms – links to online meetings, including 12-Step & non-12 Step meetings
- SMART Recovery – link to meetings, calendar and resources
- CAMH Mental Health 101