Help Us Train Our Future Physicians
Womenʼs College Hospital is committed to providing practical learning experiences for our medical students. We welcome you to become a patient partner in our Volunteer Patient Program to assist in the education of our future physicians.
The Volunteer Patient Program involves ambulatory patients in the training of medical students and helps develop medical studentsʼ interpersonal skills through encounters with patients in a non-clinical setting.
An Ideal Participant
- Has a means of transportation to and from Womenʼs College Hospital
- Is comfortable speaking in English
- Has at least one medical issue they are comfortable discussing with a student
- Is available Thursday or Friday mornings for two hours for a minimum of twice per year
What Can You Expect From the Experience?
- Full supervision by a licensed physician
- Our promise to keep your health information private and confidential
- A stipend to cover travel costs
- A no-obligation rule that allows you to opt out of the program at any time
- An opportunity to provide feedback at the end of the academic year as to how we can improve the program
*Please note that we will not provide you with healthcare recommendations
What Is Required from You?
- Two hours of your time (on Thursday or Friday mornings for a minimum of twice per year)
- Willingness to be involved in this unique medical training experience
- Having a discussion in English with one or more medical students about at least one medical issue
- Being comfortable while medical students review your medical history and perform a non-invasive physical examination under the supervision of a licensed physician
If you are interested in volunteering for the program or have any questions about participation, please contact: Jennifer Alexander, Education Coordinator