Menopause is ‘having a moment’. What’s next for workplaces, health care – Global News – Dr. Michelle Jacobson of the Gynecology Department at WCH shares the improvement in drug variety available for treating menopause symptoms in Canada in recent years. She also highlights shortcomings in menopause care, such as poor availability of non-hormonal treatments and lack of menopause specialists.
Virtual care works best when patients see their own family doctor, study finds – ICES – Dr. Lauren Lapointe-Shaw, an innovative fellow at WIHV, is the lead author of this study that examines the rates that patients require in-person care when receiving initial virtual care from their family doctor compared to receiving virtual care outside of the their family doctor.
After I Was Diagnosed With Cervical Cancer, My First Reaction Was Shame – Chatelaine – Dr. Aisha Lofters was interviewed as part of this piece on the process of receiving a positive diagnosis for cervical cancer. Dr. Lofters shares that while screening rates are good in Canada, there is a lack of awareness around why screening is encouraged and who should be getting screened.
I got a full body MRI that cost $2,950 – here’s what I thought – Yahoo Canada – Dr. David Urbach from WCH’s General Surgery team pitches in on the trend of getting full body MRIs at private clinics, sharing that these types of scans are not medically necessary and won’t detect all illnesses.
New imaging approach could revolutionize breast cancer detection – News Medical – a novel breast imaging technique developed at the JDMI will increase sensitivity in detecting cancer and reduce the number of false-positives as well as improving cost-efficiency.
Some virtual companies putting patient data at risk, new study finds – CBC News – Dr. Sheryl Spithoff, family physician and researcher at WCH, shared data that suggests virtual care might not be designed to serve patients, but to promote drug and vaccine uptake in support of pharmaceutical companies.
Unity Health launches a module for staff to address anti-Black racism – Unity Health Toronto – Unity Health has released an anti-Black racism training developed by WCH, designed to help healthcare workers recognize their own biases in providing care to patients, and how to address it.
Study finds risk-reducing mastectomy (RRM) may lower breast cancer mortality – Medical Xpress – A research study co-lead by Dr. Kelly Metcalfe of the Familial Breast Cancer Research Unit at WCH has found that risk-reducing mastectomies in women with the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic variant can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer and death.
Virtual care has led to a data gold rush for your personal and health information – Toronto Star – This op-ed from Dr. Sheryl Spithoff, a staff physician at WCH, shares the dark side of virtual care and how companies offering online services are often commercializing patient data and influencing patients to uptake pharmaceutical products to the benefit of Pharmaceutical companies.
Many virtual care apps pushing products, selling personal data, research finds – CBC News – Researchers, including Dr. Sheryl Spithoff of WCH, say many Virtual Care companies delivering text, phone and video appointments, are funded by Pharmaceutical companies to push products. Dr. Spithoff is calling for all patient data collected by these companies to be treated as personal medical data, to ensure proper protection.
New study finds that virtual care companies are putting patient data at risk – The Rush, Newstalk 1010 – Dr. Sheryl Spithoff of WCH joins radio show, The Rush to discuss the findings of her recent study into virtual care companies, including product/service markups, product pushing and non-confidential data collection.
Ontarian takes OHIP to court for gender-affirming surgery funding – CTV News – Dr. Yonah Krakowski from the TRS program at WCH was called upon to provide expert testimony in a hearing following an Ontarian’s denied request for funding support from OHIP for an uncommon gender-affirming surgery.
Radio Clip – Newstalk 1010 – Dr. David Jacobs, President of the Ontario Association of Radiologists praises the non-ambulatory, out-patient model of care at Women’s College Hospital for its cost effectiveness and how it fills a need in the current healthcare system.
New study finds that virtual care companies are putting patient data at risk – CBC Radio (syndicated) – Dr. Sheryl Spithoff of WCH joins radio show, The Rush to discuss the findings of her recent study into virtual care companies, including product/service markups, product pushing and non-confidential data collection.
One hospital’s push to bring genetic cancer testing to more Black women – CBC News – Covering WCH’s new campaign, Take Action, Take Control, this article highlights this importance of preventative screening and prioritizing Black communities, who have been vastly underrepresented in previous screening programs.
Aisha Lofters on CBC Radio – CBC Radio (syndicated) – Dr. Aisha Lofters talks about the risk of Breast Cancer in Black women, the benefits of screening and the lack of awareness of these options in the Black community.
Improved BRCA Screening in Black women – CBC News (syndicated) – Dr. Aisha Lofters speaks about the new awareness campaign targeting the Black community to improved screening rates among younger Black women.
Are employers doing their due diligence in offering virtual care? – HR Reporter – Dr. Sheryl Spithoff shares her research around data collection in virtual care, including poorly protected de-identified data and sharing health information for marketing purposes.
WCH new campaign Take Action, Take Control – iHeart Radio Newstalk (syndicated) – Radio hosts discuss WCH’s newest awareness campaign on BRCA gene screening for Black women, who are more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age with more aggressive forms of cancer.
Pharmacare Announcement on Newstalk – Newstalk 1010 (radio) – Trudeau holds press conference at WCH to advocate for new changes to pharmacare, including the extended coverage on prescription contraceptives and diabetes medication.
Improving Access to Cancer Care – CTV News – Dr. Ambreen Sayani, principal investigator of the Improving Cancer Care Equity Research Program, speaks in tandem with a patient voice on the importance of accessible cancer care for everyone.
Nnorom on Take Action Take Control – CTV Your Morning – Dr. Onye Nnorom talks about equity in breast cancer care and the gaps that leave Black women undiagnosed and untreated. Dr. Nnorom makes several positive references to the services and programs, specifically Take Action Take Control, that are offered at WCH.
What’s the Deal with Ovarian Cysts? – Best Health – Dr. Michelle Jacobson, from WCH’s gynecology department, answers common questions and concerns related to ovarian cysts.
Partnership reducing gynecological surgery backlog – CTV News – WCH is part of a new multi-hospital effort to reduce wait times and tackle the backlog for gynecological surgeries. Sandra Robinson, Director of Perioperative Services shares the success of the collaboration, having completed over 300 surgeries in the first two months of the program.
Radio: Akbari on paternity tests – CBC Radio One (syndicated) – Dr. Mohammad Akbari, Director of Research at the molecular genetics laboratory at WCH, shares a flaw that may have led a DNA lab to deliver incorrect paternity results.
TV: Dr. Urbach on surgery wait times – CTV News – Dr. David Urbach, Head of the department of surgery at WCH, is interviewed about the surgical backlogs that hospitals across Canada are experiencing. A report released recently says Canadian patients are waiting longer for knee and hip replacements, as well as cancer surgeries other priority procedures. Factors affecting wait times include staffing issues, hospital beds and operating room availability.
TV: Rachel Savage on CTV Your Morning– CTV News (syndicated) – Dr. Rachel Savage appears on CTV Your Morning to discuss the factors around loneliness, like why Canadians may be more at risk for loneliness and the associated health outcomes. Dr. Savage calls for a national plan to address loneliness in Canada.
Radio: Rachel Savage on Ontario Today with Amanda Pfeffer– CBC News (syndicated) – Dr. Rachel Savage from the Women’s Age Lab joins Ontario Today to discuss how to beat loneliness and why social interaction is so important to wellbeing, particularly in youth and older adults.
Canada needs to do more to prepare for an aging, and more diverse population – Globe and Mail – Dr. Aisha Lofters talks about the need for collecting race-based data in Canada to improve health outcomes for an aging and diverse population. Lofters also highlights the importance of noticing racial differences when it comes to health outcomes, sharing that an equal approach to public healthcare instead of an equitable approach will neglect communities that need care.
Behind the Science: Indigenous practices at WISE Women’s College – Women’s Health Blog – In this Q&A, Dr. Lisa Richardson from the GCWP-IH speaks about the motivation behind opening the Centre for Wise Practices, for improving the healthcare experience for patients as well as Indigenous healthcare providers.
Radio: Rachel Savage on Loneliness – Newstalk (syndicated) – Dr. Rachel Savage from Women’s Age Lab joins Newstalk to discuss her proposed National Strategy for Loneliness.
Radio: Onil Bhattacharyya on Metro Morning – CBC News – Dr. Onil Bhattacharyya, chair of family medicine research at WCH, talks about a pilot project that has used AI to take physician’s notes as a means of lessening administrative work and reducing physician burnout. In its trial run, the study had good results overall using AI for note taking.
How often should you see your doctor for a check-up? – The CRAM Podcast – Dr. Aisha Lofters, family physician and scientist at WCH discusses the shift away from annual physical check-ups towards periodic health exam – to manage resources and move towards concern-based appointments.
Inside a Toronto plan to slash one of Ontario’s most stubborn surgery backlogs – Toronto Star – While the government focuses on reducing the backlog for priority procedures, many gynecological procedures are low on the priority list according to Sandra Robinson, director of perioperative services at WCH. Robinson is co-leading a new initiative that is responsible for completing 414 benign gynecological procedures between January and March of this year.
Legalized Weed Is Landing More Seniors in the E.R. – New York Times – Dr. Nathan Stall of the Women’s Age Lab is interviewed about his study that examined an increase in cases of cannabis poisoning among older adults since the legalization of edibles in Canada.
Opinion: NORCs have potential to improve health and wellness for all ages – – This op-ed from Dr. Paula Rochon and Dr. Rachel Savage of Women’s Age Lab outlines the benefits that naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs) and intergenerational connections have on loneliness.
B.C. wireless ultrasound maker Clarius gets boost from deal with Swiss drug giant Novartis – The Globe and Mail – Dr. Sahil Koppikar, rheumatologist at WCH, is one of two physicians creating a training program for other rheumatologists across the country to start using new wireless handheld ultrasound scanners in their practice, which will assist in diagnosing psoriatic arthritis earlier and improve long-term patient outcomes.
Dermatologist shortage as skin cancer rates rise – CBC The Current – Dr. Christian Murray, from the Dermatology department at WCH, speaks to the shortage of dermatologists in Canada and the difficulties patients face in accessing dermatological care.
Federal Govt Announces Bill to Secure Patient Health Data – CPAC – Federal Health Minister Mark Holland holds a news conference at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto to introduce Bill C-72, new legislation to secure and protect Canadians’ access to their own health data. The “Connected Care for Canadians Act” aims to ensure a more integrated care system that allows health data sharing across jurisdictions while empowering patients’ decision making and enhancing the quality of health care received.
Digital Health Canada award winners are announced – Canadian Healthcare Technology – Dr. Geetha Mukerji, Corporate Medical Information Officer and Staff Endocrinologist at WCH, has been awarded the 2024 Clinical Innovator of the Year award from Digital Health Canada.
Less pain, faster recovery: 2 new treatments for women suffering with fibroids– CBC News – Dr. Cindy Maxwell from WCH advocates for more fibroid research as 70% of women will have fibroids by age 50 and one third of those women will experience severe symptoms. People often don’t realize they have fibroids until their symptoms are so intense that they require medical attention.
Lorello on CBC News [radio] – CBC News – Dr. Gianni Lorello joins CBC’s Calgary Eyeopener to discuss his recent research on the barriers Trans people face in accessing gender-affirming care, specifically surgery. One major barrier is cultural incompetence from care providers, Lorello suggests establishing core competencies and cultural sensitivity training to prepare physicians.
Breast Cancer Canada Launches $1M Fellowship To Expand Research Funding – Yahoo Finance – Dr. David Lim, a surgeon-scientist with WCH, has been awarded $75,000 as part of the Breast Cancer Canada research funding, to identify a prognostic gene signature for invasive lobular breast carcinoma.
Let’s Help Grow More Intergenerational Connections – The Good Men Project – This op-ed from Women’s Age Lab discusses the benefits of Naturally-Occurring Retirement Communities, specifically the platform they provide for intergenerational connections to be built.
The paradox of double mastectomy in breast cancer – ABC Radio National – Dr Vasily Giannakeas joins Health Report, a radio podcast from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, to discuss the paradox of his recent research into double mastectomies and mortality rates.
Breast cancer’s tough choice: To remove, or not to remove, both breasts – Globe and Mail – Dr. Vasily Giannakeas, Dr. Steven Narod and Dr. David Lim break down their research on bilateral mastectomies and mortality, and what it means for patients who are exploring treatment options for breast cancer.
David Urbach on privatized care clinics – Global News Radio – Dr. David Urbach, Head of Surgery at WCH, discusses privatized care clinics and how better coordination of people resources could be a simpler and less expensive solution.
Opinion: It’s time Canada built cities, towns for aging population – Windsor Star – This opinion editorial from Women Age Lab’s Dr. Paula Rochon explores ways to make the city better-suited to older adults’ needs and encourages the development of NORCs to rapidly advance these changes.
Surgical waits vary a lot between Ontario hospitals: study – CBC News – A new study lead by Dr. David Urbach, head of surgery at WCH, shows that patients are experiencing different wait times for similar procedures. Urbach makes a few suggestions for improvement, including a centralized waitlist and grouping surgeons in teams.
Urbach on Surgical Wait Times – Zoomer Radio – Dr. David Urbach, head of surgery at WCH, interviews about his recent study on wait times for elective surgeries, discussing why there are discrepancies in wait times and potential changes to the healthcare system to provide fair access to these surgeries.
Government of Canada invests in community projects to reduce health inequities – Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) – The Intersectoral Action Fund (ISAF), a new grant program from PHAC, is dedicated to supporting social determinants of health through reducing health inequities. WCH’s EMPaCT initiative was awarded over $190,000 to scale the existing program and determine how EMPaCT could be implemented across organizations and communities.
There are women-specific heart disease risk factors — here’s what to look for (television) – Breakfast Television – Dr. Paula Harvey, cardiologist and head of the Department of Medicine at WCH, discusses risk factors for heart disease, particularly the risk factors that are unique to women. She offers tips about heart health and encourages being proactive as most heart events can be prevented.
Racialized patients at disadvantage getting treated for skin conditions – Canadian Affairs – Christal Malcolm, surgical administrative assistant at WCH, has been experiencing alopecia for over a decade and recounts her journey to finding treatment. Christal has since become an advocate for Black women’s health and will be speaking at the Black Women’s Healthcare Summit 2024.
Ontario lowers the age-eligibility of mammogram (radio) – 680 News – Dr Supriya Kulkarni, Physician at WCH and President CSBI shares the significance of lowering the age-eligibility of self-referred mammograms.
Stigma has a profound impact on health outcomes, must be addressed, say researchers – Carmen Logie, adjunct scientist at WCH, has released a study that found stigma had a significant impact on health outcomes. Logie encourages healthcare providers to identify what drives stigma in their healthcare setting so that they may begin to address stigmatization.
Who Can and Cannot Take Hormone Therapy [podcast] – Aging Powerfully with Melissa Grelo – Dr. Michelle Jacobson and Dr. Iliana Lega, menopause specialists from WCH, discuss hormone therapy as a treatment for menopause, including the real side effects of hormone therapy, who might benefit from hormone therapy and other common questions and concerns.
Should All Breast Cancer Patients Get BRCA Testing? – Medscape UK – Dr. Steven Narod, researcher at WCH, advocates for BRCA testing among all breast cancer patients, reasoning that it “allows for personalization of surgical treatment.”
Alopecia: Black Women’s Healthcare Summit – Breakfast Television – Dr. Marissa Joseph and Christal Malcolm join Breakfast Television to talk about the “hair health gap” and promote the Black Women’s Healthcare Summit. Dr Joseph discusses the different types of alopecia, particularly the ones that most affect Black Women and Christal shares a bit of her experience with her alopecia diagnosis.
theZoomer: Demystifying Menopause – Zoomer Television – Dr. Michelle Jacobson, Menopause Specialist at WCH, makes a video appearance to speak to the lack of menopause knowledge among care providers, and the self-advocacy required from people experiencing menopause. WCH’s Dr. Sheila Wijayasinghe joins a panel of experts to discuss menopause and perimenopause.
Kaitlin Bick: Crimes Against Her Humanity. – Chatter that Matters – Jennifer Price, Vice President, Clinical Programs and Corporate Nurse & Professional Practice Executive at WCH, speaks about the ASTER program at WCH. The ASTER program strives to improve education and knowledge around sex trafficking among healthcare providers in order to identify and support victims or those at risk.
The Challenges of Leaving Abusive Relationships – CityNews Toronto – Sukhpreet Kaith, Clinical Manager at the SA/DVCC, explains the challenges and misconceptions in leaving an abusive relationship, and the supports available to those seeking help for themselves or others.
As Canada’s diabetes rates stabilize, experts say it’s not all good news – Global News – In recognition of World Diabetes Day, Lorraine Lipscombe, endocrinologist at WCH who is also on the Diabetes Canada’s national research council, shares that a recent peer-reviewed study published in The Lancet journal does not paint a full picture of diabetes prevalence in Canada due to undercounting and bias.
Annual Rose Ceremony at WCH – CBC News Toronto – Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Mayor Olivia Chow speak at the annual National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women memorial ceremony, hosted by WCH.
He diagnosed his rare disease using Google. Now he hopes AI can do the same for others – CBC News – When it comes to using AI in the medical field, Dr. Sheryl Spithoff, a scientist at the WCRI, advises caution in using AI tools that aren’t transparent about their funding. Spithoff highlights the need for publicly funded tools, citing that pharmaceutical companies driven by profit have been found to influence AI tools to find suitable candidates for expensive new treatments.
Risankizumab in Adults with Psoriatic Arthritis – Skin Therapy Letter – Research published in part by WCH’s Dr. Jensen Yeung from Dermatology analyses the effectiveness of Risankizumab as treatment for Psoriatic Arthritis.
Carolyn Bennett in the House of Commons – CPAC – In this broadcast clip, the honourable Carolyn Bennett reflects briefly on her time as a physician with WCH in the House of Commons, and her support in the fight to maintain WCH’s independence.
Jennifer Wyman on hangover-cure drink – CTV Your Morning – Dr. Jennifer Wyman discusses a new drink that claims to rapidly cut blood alcohol level, and why she doesn’t support the data. Due to a lack of data and peer review to back up hangover-cure claims made by Safety Shot, Dr. Wyman warns that this drink likely won’t live up to its claims when it hits the market later this month.
How Safe Are Drugs Like Xanax in Dementia? – Being Patient – Dr. Paula Rochon and Dr. Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher from the Women’s Age Lab answer questions related to drug treatment of dementia and its symptoms.
Why is Ottawa investigating Canada’s safer supply program? – Newstalk 980, Mornings with Simi – Dr. Meldon Kahan, Medical Director of the Substance Use Service at WCH, discusses the federal investigation into the safer supply program’s real-world impact. There are concerns that individually prescribed opioids are being re-sold, and Kahan revisits recommendations made in his letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, co-signed by other industry experts.
What Is Rebound COVID, and Does Paxlovid Play a Role? – Best Health – Dr. Michael Gardam, Medical Director of Infection Control at WCH, explains what rebound COVID is, how Paxlovid works and who should take it to treat COVID symptoms.
It Took 3 Doctors And A Wait Time Of 4 Months To Find Out Why I Was Always Bleeding – – Author Hillary LeBlanc shares her experience attending the WCH Foundation’s Black Women’s Healthcare Summit, and reflects on her own personal healthcare struggles as she explains her journey to getting a cervical erosion diagnosis and treatment. She also shares the value of being seen by a Black doctor, as a Black woman, who can understand what she’s going through as a patient.
U of T-anchored hospital network among leading life sciences research hubs, report finds – University of Toronto – WCH CEO Heather McPherson speaks as the TAHSN chair on the new report published on the strengths and challenges within TAHSN. Heather notes how well TAHSN is performing despite receiving less funding than counterpart hubs in the U.S., and frames this report as a missed opportunity to invest more in research as a means of developing pathways to a better healthcare system.
Doctors fed up with activists gaslighting them over ‘safer supply’ – The Province – An open letter spearheaded by WCH’s Dr. Meldon Kahan, Medical Director of the Substance Use Service calls upon the federal government to consider his and 34 other addictions experts’ recommendations for minimizing harms associated with their Safer Supply program and increasing access and retention in Opioid Agonist Treatment programs.
The state of Black maternal health care in Canada – The Social – Dr. Cindy Maxwell discusses the Black maternal healthcare ahead of the Black Women’s Healthcare Summit. Dr. Maxwell talks about the lack of Black healthcare data and the progress being made to collect that data considerately, the barriers that Black mothers face in accessing care and preventative measures to ensure a healthy delivery. She also mentions the Foundation’s Black Women’s Healthcare Summit to advocate for WCH’s thought leadership.
Black Women’s Healthcare Summit – CP24 – CP24 covers the Black Women’s Healthcare Summit, and interviews Dr. Cindy Maxwell who shares the goals of this event – to empower individuals with the information they need to advocate for themselves, and to educate healthcare providers on how to provide competent healthcare for Black communities.
Ontario Lowers Age for Mammograms to 40 – CTV News – Sylvia Jones, the Minister of Health, announced in a media advisory held at Women’s College Hospital that Ontario will be lowering the age for self-referrals for mammogram screenings from 50 to 40, starting Fall 2024.
Ontario Lowers Age for Mammograms to 40 – CTV News – Dr. David Lim, surgical oncologist at the Henrietta Banting Breast Centre, discusses Ontario’s decision to lower the screening age for breast cancer and the importance of regular screening.
Ontario to Lower Age for Regular Breast Cancer Screenings to 40 – CBC News – Dr. David Lim, surgical oncologist at the Henrietta Banting Breast Centre, shares the benefits of Ontario’s decision to lower the screening age for self-referred mammograms from 50 to 40.
Transforming Health with Integrated Care (THINC) – Government of Canada – Dr. Lorraine Lipscombe, Senior Scientist with WCRI and Staff Physician in the Endocrinology Department has been awarded nearly $2 million for her project titled Avoiding Diabetes After Pregnancy Together with Moms (ADAPT-M): Bridging care between the third and fourth trimester. The funding comes from The Transforming Health with Integrated Care (THINC) initiative, a coordinated funding effort from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
The Silent Killer –Cityline – Dr. Paula Harvey discusses cardiovascular disease, the top killer of women in Canada. Despite the numbers, Dr. Harvey says there is a lack of awareness, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease in women. She shares the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and knowing your risk factors for managing heart disease.
MRI Experience at WCH –AM640 – Talk show host Greg Brady shares his experience in getting an MRI done at 3 a.m. at Women’s College Hospital and discusses the average wait times for MRI in Ontario, currently sitting at 86 days.
In BRCA Breast Cancer, Prophylactic Salpingo-Oophorectomy Tied to Better Survival – MedPage Today – Dr. Steven Narod is quoted stating his agreement that those with the BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation should have an oophorectomy, to prevent ovarian cancer and to prevent death from breast cancer. The study recommends undergoing prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomy (PSO) after previous surgery for BRCA1/BRCA2 breast cancer to significantly reduce risk of death.
Indigenous Health at Women’s College Hospital– The Social – Lisa Richardson and Kawennanoron Cynthia White from the GCWP-IH explain the importance of providing access to full and holistic healthcare to Indigenous communities. Lisa speaks to the racism that Indigenous people face when seeking healthcare and the need for culturally safe care, and Cindy shares some of her services offered as a traditional healer, as well as offering the significance of her eagle fan.
Three Ontario doctors to study physician burnout– Canadian Healthcare Technology – Dr. Noah Ivers, a family physician at WCH, is recognized as one of three doctors to receive funding to study the growing issue of physician burnout. Dr. Ivers will be using the grant of $42,500 to train family physicians to act as peer guides for their colleagues in addressing barriers in their workflow and finding joy in their everyday clinical practice.
Survival of Filipino women with breast cancer in the United States – Wiley Online Library – Researchers from the Peter Gilgan Centre for Research on Women’s Cancers at WCHcompare the clinical presentations and survival rates of Filipino women (a historically understudied group) and White women with breast cancer diagnosed in the United States. The findings suggest that Filipino often present with more advanced breast cancer, but have a higher breast cancer survival rate compared to White women.
Discussing Cardiovascular Health in Women –The Social – Dr. Sheila Wijayasinghe, Primary Care Outreach at WCH and Health Contributor for The Social discusses cardiovascular health in women – how risk and symptoms affect women differently. She references a new screening program developed at WCH that combines mammographies with heart tests to increase early detection.
Dr Mary Sco. on Gut Health – CBC Radio One – Dr Mary Sco., who recently completed her residency at WCH, speaks about the impact of gut health and diet on our mental health on CBC’s podcast The Dose.
Doctors say at-home screening for HPV could be an opportunity to ‘eliminate a cancer’ – CBC News – Dr. Aisha Lofters discusses the significance of take-home HPV tests may have on early cervical cancer detection. The move towards at-home testing could help many people overcome barriers such as taking time off, having a history of sexual trauma or lack of awareness.
Canadian Guideline Urges Preventive Care for Health Equity – CMAJ – Compiled by a team of primary care providers, including Dr. Aisha Lofters from WCH, this guideline makes 15 screening and prevention recommendations and one policy recommendation. These recommendations center around improving access to primary care, particularly for equity-seeking groups who face barriers in accessing care. Compiled by a team of primary care providers, including Dr. Aysha Lofters from WCH, this guideline makes 15 screening and prevention recommendations and one policy recommendation. These recommendations center around improving access to primary care, particularly for equity-seeking groups who face barriers in accessing care.
Pariser Speaks about SCOPE – 560 CFOS – Dr. Pauline Pariser, the Primary Care Lead for Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience (SCOPE) at Women’s College Hospital speaks about where patients are being failed in the current healthcare landscape. She shares how SCOPE meets these needs and will improve the overall patient experience and discusses how the program could be applied to smaller, regional health systems.
Xanax and Dementia: Doctors Weigh In on Safety of Benzodiazepines – Being Patient – Dr. Paula A. Rochon, director of Women’s Age Lab and Dr. Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher, PhD Candidate at Women’s Age Lab speak about the potential hazards of prescribing Benzodiazepines to older adults living with dementia. Risks can include falls, fractures and hospital admission related to side effects and as such, it is recommended that the first line of treatment should be non-pharmacological.
Study suggests inequities in cardiovascular care are putting older females’ heart health at risk – Medical Xpress – A study published by WCH researchers in collaboration with the Peter Munk Cardiac Center (PMCC) at University Health Network (UHN) and ICES suggests that higher stroke risk among females with atrial fibrillation may be related to sex-based disparities in cardiovascular care. Senior author Husam Abdel-Qadir, cardiologist at Women’s College Hospital says that despite the widespread understanding that females with AF are at higher stroke risk than males, they are getting less cardiovascular care with real consequences, and calls for better care to minimize risk.
Loneliness in older adults and how it impacts the healthcare system – CBC Radio One – Dr. Rachel Savage, a scientist with Women’s Age Lab, discusses the three-year national study that Women’s Age Lab has conducted on how loneliness impacts older adults accessing healthcare. Acknowledging that loneliness can lead to poor health, Dr. Savidge’s preliminary results are showing that older adults who are lonely are more likely to experience health transitions, such as transitioning into long-term care or transitioning to more medications as treatment. One of the goals to come from this study is finding ways to better connect older adults with the social care required to alleviate loneliness.
Jennifer Wyman on International Overdose Awareness Day – CTV Your Morning – Dr. Jennifer Wyman from the Substance Use Service at WCH joins this video interview to discuss overdose, what it may look like and how to help prevent fatal overdose through aid and naloxone. She states the importance of support for people at risk of an overdose and describes how stigma can be the biggest barrier to accessing help.
Power over pain portal: a new chronic pain management resource – CTV News Toronto – The new power over pain portal co-created by WCH is making chronic pain management easier for Canadians. The portal is free to anyone and gives patients the tools they need to self-manage their pain right away. Dr. Rachael Bosma, Research Lead at the Women’s College Hospital and co-lead of the adult portal speaks about the portal and who might want to use it.
COVID-19 unleashed a crisis of delirium in our hospitals – The Globe and Mail –Dr. Christina Reppas-Rindlisbacher, Dr. Nathan Stall and Dr. Paula Rochon from Women’s Age Lab at WCH authored an article for the Globe and Mail detailing their research on the rise of delirium in older patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Non-pharmaceutical strategies often used to manage delirium safely were compromised during the pandemic leaving older adults more at risk of delirium, stress and isolation; these staff members from WCH say it should not happen again. It is suggested we minimize rates of delirium by implementing policies centred on delivering dignified care.
National Women’s Health Research Initiative: Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition – Hubs – Canadian Institute of Health Research – Mona R Loutfy of Women’s College Research Institute has been granted $840,000 to open the Women-Centred HIV Care hub: mobilizing and scaling -up the women-centred HIV care model across Canada. This hub is one of 10 virtual hubs to be funded by the Pan-Canadian Women’s Health Coalition, assembled by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE). The project will invest $8.3 million across the 10 hubs to support the goal of the Coalition: to maximize the visibility and impact of women’s health research and practice in Canada, grounded in the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion and Indigenous rights.
HSN Access Concerns Raised by Sexual Violence Survivors Group – Health Reporter – Staffing shortages of specialized nurses at Health Sciences North has resulted in sexual assault survivors having difficulties in accessing their services. Sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE) are nurses specially trained in forensic photography, handling evidence obtained for sexual evidence kits and are instructed on how to accurately testify in court. Womens’s College Hospital is mentioned as an institution where nurses can take a SANE training course.
Is Your Brain Fog a Sign of Aging, Sleep Deprivation, Long Covid or Something Else? – Beast Health Magazine – Researchers have been looking into the causes of brain fog symptoms in women. Brain fog can occur with anxiety, depression, menopause, during chemotherapy, after a concussion, during pregnancy or postpartum. Dr. Iliana Lega, endocrinologist at WCH, says brain fog is becoming increasing recognized in menopause. Experts theorize this is due to drops in estrogen.
Older Adults Prescribed Oral Corticosteroids Sporadically Require Greater Fracture Preventative Care – Consultant Live – Dr. Aaron M. Drucker of WCH conducted a study finding older adults prescribed high cumulative oral corticosteroid doses with gaps between their prescriptions may need more medical attention. The study had the goal of assessing and mitigating potential gaps in preventative care to reduce mortality rates.
Video clip – CP24 – Dr. Crystal Clark discusses new medication (Zurzuvae) for the treatment of postpartum with CP24 news anchors. Zurzuvae pills can be taken for two weeks and provide significant relief from postpartum symptoms, compared to medications with longer regimens.
Mental health care access, electronic options, surgical backlogs: Report lays out health-care overhaul priorities – CTV News – The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) has released a new report outlining needed areas of focus for the government to improve struggling healthcare systems. In the report Dr. Onil Bhattacharyya, Frigon Blau Chair in Family Medicine Research at the Women’s College Hospital suggests having access to nurses, paramedics and EMTs to supplement in-person services, or patients could receive virtual care from a doctor or nurse practitioner.
Effects if an academic detailing service on benzodiazepine prescribing patterns in primary care – Plos One – Dr Noah Ivers and Mina Tadrous of WCH were authors on a study to evaluate the effectiveness of academic detailing (AD) on benzodiazepine prescribing among family physicians. Study concluded that future AD interventions should focus on physicians with the greatest room for improvement to their prescribing.
‘The care they need, when they need it’: Nurse navigators connect you to care – and keep you out of the emergency room – (PDF of article) Toronto Star – Seamless Care Optimizing the Patient Experience (SCOPE) is a virtual team of nurses who support primary care providers in Ontario. The goal is to help family doctors in solo practices. Dr. Pauline Pariser is chair of the mid-west Toronto Ontario Health Team and founder of SCOPE, she is also the associate medical director and primary care lead for the SCOPE sites at UHN and Women’s College Hospital. SCOPE sites work with family doctors to put in place needed supports.
TheZoomer: The Loneliness Crisis – Zoomer Television – WCH’s Dr. Rachel Savage joins The Zoomer’s panel to discuss the impact of loneliness and isolation, particularly on older adults.
Private MRIs: Kris Jenner, Eugenie Bouchard hop on the craze – but is it necessary? – Yahoo Canada – Celebrities have hopped on a trend of getting private MRIs and promoting them to the public as proactive healthcare. Dr. David Urbach of WCH explains that private MRIs are, “not medically necessary for any purpose.” These “preventative MRIs” cost a lot of money and run as a private business separate from the Canadian healthcare system. The clinics need people to spend their money, so they use influential people to promote them preventative, to catch potential health issues before they arise. Dr. Urbach cautions MRIs do not catch all abnormalities, can give people a false sense of assurance or can show insignificant abnormalities causing patients unnecessary anxiety.
Maternal Mental health market to Reach $45.72 Billion by 2030 – Industry Forecast News – Maternal mental health issues are a global concern, and the market is driven by increasing incidence of postpartum depression. Efforts are being made to improve access to treatment, Women’s College Hospital will receive USD$372,000 from Health Canada to help create national guidelines for perinatal mood disorders.
Implementation of a Cervical Cancer Screening Intervention for Under- or Never-Screened Women in Ontario, Canada: Understanding the Acceptability of HPV Self-Sampling – MDPI – Dr. Aisha K. Lofters co-authored a paper outlining a study conducted on self-screening for HPV in women who identify as South or West Asian, Middle Eastern or North African from the GTA. A hundred under/never-screened (UNS) women were given the option to use a self-sampling kit over a Pap test. The paper focused on the quantitative data where follow ups with the three groups who chose the kit and the two groups who did not. Results showed the HPV self-sampling kit is an acceptable alternative to a Pap test for some, but not all, UNS women in Ontario.
Maternal Mental health market to Reach $45.72 Billion by 2030 – Industry Forecast News – Maternal mental health issues are a global concern, and the market is driven by increasing incidence of postpartum depression. Efforts are being made to improve access to treatment, Women’s College Hospital will receive USD$372,000 from Health Canada to help create national guidelines for perinatal mood disorders.
When you therapist is an app – In Our Heads podcast – Dr. Onil Bhattacharyya, Women’s College Hospital scientist and physician, discusses his team’s research on light-touch services – meaning low-intensity care services which require fewer medical professional hours and oversight, like therapy apps.
Episode 87 – Alcohol Withdrawal and Delirium Tremens: Diagnosis and Management – Listen Notes – Dr. Mel Kahan, addictions specialist and medical director of the substance use service at Women’s College Hospital, is a guest specialist on the Emergency Medicine Cases podcast along with other Toronto doctors with similar focuses of study. Dr. Kahan gives insight and evaluation of a hypothetical medical case offered by the podcast host.
Every 22 minutes a Canadian woman dies of a heart attack. Most of those deaths are preventable – CBC News Network – Dr. Paula Harvey, cardiologist and head of the Department of Medicine at Women’s College Hospital, speaks about the concern for female heart health. Every 22 minutes a woman in Canada dies of heart disease. Women are often underdiagnosed, under-treated and unaware of their heart health.
Gen X is over having their menopause and sex concerns brushed aside – (PDF of article) The Globe and Mail – Dr. Michelle Jacobson, obstetrician gynecologist at Women’s College Hospital (WCH), says many GPs don’t ask women about their perimenopausal symptoms and some medical school instructors are teaching inaccurate material. Dr. Iliana Lega, endocrinologist and scientist at WCH says there is still a lot of misinformation within the educational curriculum about the sexual health of women who came of age during feminism’s third wave.
Ontario connecting long-term care residents in Toronto to specialized care and supports – – The Ontario government is investing over $2 million in 14 Toronto long-term care homes plus five hospital-led initiatives to support homes in Toronto assisting seniors with complex needs. Funding of $383,917 will be allocated to Women’s College Hospital for coordinating a virtual hub for long-term care home internal medicine consultations, community resources and nurse navigation for connecting specialist care.
Factors associated with loneliness in immigrant and Canadian-born older adults in Ontario, Canada: a population-based study – – Dr. Paula A. Rochon, Andrea Gruneir, PhD and Rachel D. Savage, PhD, of Women’s Age Lab at Women’s College Hospital contributed to a study on factors relating to loneliness in immigrant and Canadian-born older adults in Ontario. The study took weighted populations of individuals aged 65 and older, stratified by immigration status and noted baseline characteristics. Results showed older females both immigrant and Canadian-born to have higher prevalence and severity of loneliness. Community level factors were more associated with loneliness in immigrants. This data can inform understanding and future policy and practice in relation to the lives of immigrants.
Paula Rochon: championing the health needs of older women – The Lancet – Dr. Paula Rochon recognized the lack of medical research to assist women in their late age to live healthier and fulfilling lives during her medical studies. In 2021, Dr. Rochon founded Women’s Age Lab at Women’s College Hospital as a research centre focused on the health and wellbeing of older women. In 2022, Women’s Age Lab began a federally funded project to learn how best to support healthy aging in Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCS). Dr. Rochon is also the Chair of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Aging Advisory board and Deputy Editor of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
‘Let them know we’re not going anywhere!’: Trans March kicks off Pride weekend – – Pride weekend kicked off with the Trans March. There was a crowd of a few thousand who showed up in the damp weather to march and let it be known trans people are not going anywhere – they are here, and they are proud. Women’s College hospital, the first hospital in Canada to provide surgical transition related care, showed up with one of the loudest groups at the march. Kabir Shergill, spokesman for WCH said, “We are really passionate about equity for everyone, especially queer communities.”
Ending the neglect of women’s health in research – British Medical Journal – Research and practice continue to demonstrate inequalities in sex and gender inclusion. Sex differences are prevalent in several disorders. Despite Canadian funding agencies mandating the implementation of sex and gender diversity in research, diseases recognized as “women’s health” continue to be underfunded relative to the conditions. A recent estimate shows under seven per cent of medical research funding has been allocated to women’s health since 2014. The system calls for more female researchers as they are more likely to do sex and gender-based analyses.
Women’s College Hospital evaluates Gotcare to enhance care journey for homebound older adults – Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization – The Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO) has facilitated an evaluation between Gotcare, a national health technology start-up to reimagine health services at home, and the Centre for Digital Health Evaluation (CDHE) at WCH; Dr. Onil Bhattacharyya, WCH family physician and scientific director of CDHE, says the evaluation conducted at WCH will provide scientifically rigorous and clinically relevant insights to Gotcare
Igniting inspiration and empowerment at the HR summit – HRPA – At last week’s HRPA HR summit, WCH Director of Anti-Racism, Equity and Social Accountability Suzanne Charles Watson discussed the expanded role of HR when ‘building back differently’ while highlighting systemic oppression, prioritizing impact over intention and considering how actions affect equity-seeking groups
Windsor to receive $13.5 million investment from TELUS – TELUS – The TELUS Friendly Future Foundation, TELUS and their team members recently donated $4.8 million to support Ukraine humanitarian relief as well as support to Ontario charities including Women’s College Hospital
What I learned from losing my hair – Chatelaine – WCH’s Dr. Negar Amirfarhad, psychotherapist who routinely works with alopecia and cancer patients, explains that people – and women specifically – going through hair loss may be at a higher risk for developing depressive and anxiety disorders and social phobias
Indigenous health services available at Toronto Hospital – CTV Your Morning – The CWP-IH’s Elder in Residence Cindy White and Dr. Lisa Richardson discussed the integration of traditional Indigenous healing practices and services into WCH’s Epic system
Doctors at this Toronto Hospital can now refer Indigenous patients to a traditional healer(PDF of article) – Toronto Star – As WCH continues to address barriers to care for marginalized groups, the Centre for Wise Practices in Indigenous Health (CWP-IH) have incorporated their Indigenous Health Clinic in Epic, allowing First Nations, Inuit and Métis patients to be referred to a Traditional Healer and Knowledge Keeper just as they would any other healthcare practitioner. Additional Coverage:
Drug Fail: The liberal government’s ‘safer supply’ is fueling a new opioid crisis – The Province – Dr. Meldon Kahan, Medical Director, Substance Use Service at WCH, explains the different risk between safer supply drugs and opioid agonist therapy (OAT) and how some safe supply clinicians are lacking meaningful steps in their distribution to prevent diversion of drugs from their intended patient
What happens if you take too many Tums while pregnant – Eat Vert – WCH’s Dr. Amanda Selk, Physician, Gynecology, explains that not everyone reads the warning labels on over the counter medication like Tums, and how she prescribes antacids to her patients
What to expect during perimenopause – and how to treat your symptoms – Chatelaine – WCH gynecologist Dr Michelle Jacobson explains that once you’re no longer ovulating in a predictable fashion, you’re experiencing perimenopause, and that many women experience symptoms at different points, up to 10 years before their last period
WELLUS for ACCESS wins LetsStopAIDS’ The Winning Seed – EIN Newswires – The Winning Seed, a youth leadership program from LetsStopAIDS, recently awarded a winning team of students from Toronto for their HIV advocacy initiative, which was presented with other teams to a panel of expert judges including Dr. Mona Loufty, Clinician Scientist at WCH
April 2023 BC-PHCRN Update – BC Primary Health Care Research Network – in an update of ongoing research and events in Canada, BC-PHCRN highlighted a virtual session about equity, diversity and inclusion at their upcoming Learning Series on May 2, featuring WCH’s Dr. Aisha Lofters, Scientist, WCRI
From psoriasis to hidradenitis suppurative: top 10 research priorities – Dermatology Learning Network – WCH’s Dr. Aaron Drucker, Dermatologist and Clinician Scientist discuses the Skin Investigation Network and how research priorities can optimize patient care in this interview with The Dermatologist
Redesigning primary care – Canadian Family Physician – A new study led by a group fog physicians including Jamie Fujioka, Research Coordinator, WCRI, Dr. Onil Bhattacharyya, Scientist, WCRI, Vess Stamenova, Research Lead, WIHV and Payal Agarwal, Innovation Fellow, WIHV, explored the perspectives of primary care physicians on the clinical utility of virtual visits and found that while virtual visits can be used to resolve a variety of clinical concerns, the practice is fundamentally different than that of in-person visits
The Girls Belong Here Program – Ontario Youth Medical Society – A Plan International Canada program called Girls Belong Here will be running again this year, offering self-identifying girls and young women the opportunity to connect with leaders from different professional fields, including WCH Foundation
CTV Your Morning – WCRI Scientist Dr. Mohammad Reza Akbari discusses the new gene mutation he identified
Team-based care key to alleviating primary-care crisis – HealthyDebate – WCH Nurse Practitioner Vanessa Wright co-wrote this piece outlining how, amid the shortage of family physicians in Ontario, team-based care done properly can expand the capacity of family doctors to care for more patients
Centralized surgery queues cut patient wait times but surgeons slow to get on board, doctors say – CBC News – Utilizing centralized waiting lists for surgery is proving to be a promising method to reducing wait times, however some obstacles still exist; WCH’s Dr. David Urbach explains that many surgeons are operating essentially their own private practices and managing their own wait times, making it difficult for patients and referring doctors to know where the shortest wait list is
Tofacitinib-treated women with PsA less likely to achieve MDA – Contemporary OBGYN – A study looking into the outcomes of tofacitinib in patients with psoriatic arthritis, led by WCRI’s Dr. Lihi Eder, found that women were less likely to achieve minimal disease activity when compared to their male counterparts
Medical upselling in Canada can cost patients thousands of dollars – CBC News – Amid reports of private, for-profit clinics ‘upselling’ patients on additional tests, services and procedures not covered by OHIP, medical experts including WCH’s Dr. David Urbach, Head of Surgery, said upselling is baked into the business model of private clinics, saying they it’s difficult to see how the clinics can be viable without bringing in money in excess of government funding
Everything you need to know about menstrual cups – Chatelaine – WCH obstetrician Dr. Yolanda Kirkham breaks down everything you need to know about menstrual cups, including sizing, how they work and risks of toxic shock syndrome
How to know if you are pregnant right away – EatVerts – WCH Family Physician Dr. Carrie Schramm answers questions about the accuracy of pregnancy tests, early signs of pregnancy and when your best chances of getting pregnant are
What is known about breast cancer in young women? – MDPI – A study led by WCRI’s Jie Wei Schu, Parsa Charkhchi, Shadia Adekunte and Mohammad R. Akbari delves into the increasing cancer diagnosis of younger patients and how age could affect treatment
House call: more than half of all home visits in Ontario are made by a small subset of family physicians – Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences – New research led by ICES and UHN, and authored by WHIV adjunct scientist Lauren Lapointe-Shaw, found that the top 5 per cent of home visit physicians – 330 Ontario family doctors – provided more than half of home visits in the province in 2019; Lapointe-Shaw explains the benefits of physician home visits for Ontarians
On the perpetual unhappiness of my fellow doctors(PDF of article) – Globe and Mail – WCH Family Physician Dr. Nicholas Pimlott penned an opinion piece about the chronic unhappiness, depression, and burnout that affects doctors and what factors might be contributing to it
Virtual solutions are transforming primary care – The Varsity – Earlier this month, the Sandra Rotman Centre for Health Sector Strategy at UofT hosted a “Digital Health and Primary Care” panel, focusing on virtual care; the event’s first panel was WCH Family Physician Dr. Payal Agarwal, who explained that a significant challenge in primary care is a lack of human resources
Aaron Drucker, MD: Weighing limitations in new atopic dermatitis drugs – HCPLive – In an interview with HCPLive at the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, WCH Physician, Dermatology Aaron Drucker discussed components of initiating and switching drug class options, comorbidity cross-benefit, and improving diagnostics to achieve optimal aopic dermatitis care
C.’s universal contraception coverage inspires call for funded birth control across Canada(PDF of article) – Globe and Mail – British Columbia will begin covering birth control prescriptions starting April 1, the first province to do so and reproductive health experts, including WCRI Scientist Sheila Dunn, say the rest of the country should follow suit, as Europe and the U.K. are already doing this and the difference in coverage between provinces creates a two-tiered system
RBC Wealth Management and Women’s Age Lab empower women to make informed financial decisions(PDF of article) – Globe and Mail – As gendered ageism continues to affect older women in many aspects of their lives, including health and finances, WCH Geriatrician and VP, Research Dr. Paula Rochon discusses how WCH’s Women’s Age Lab – the first clinic worldwide to focus specifically on the health of older women – is improving the health of older women, and is now partnering with RBC Wealth Management to improve financial literacy among this demographic
Common questions about private health care – answered – CBC News – CBC’s Christine Birak breaks down the difference in costs for common surgeries depending on how they’re funded and WCH’s Dr. David Urbach explains how the province could fund more surgeries in public hospitals on evenings and weekends, eliminating the need for private surgical clinics
Do private, for-profit clinics save taxpayers money and reduce wait times? The data says no – CBC News – Dr. David Urbach discusses the issues with surgical wait times and explains that private clinics are not the answer, but instead public funding for increasing surgeries within hospitals – including scheduling them on evenings or weekends – and increasing nursing staff in public health settings is what is needed to alleviate bottlenecks and wait times
Waiting until age 50 for mammograms is too late – especially for Black Women – Best Health Magazine – WCH’s Dr. Aisha Lofters, Family Physician, explains how she and her colleagues were seeing many Black women with aggressive or advanced cancers in their 30s and 40s, well below the suggested age for routine mammograms
Is it normal to cramp when you’re pregnant – EatVerts – WCH OBGYN Dr. Amanda Selk explains why some people might experience cramping during pregnancy, ways to deal with it, and when to see a healthcare provider
Zoomer Radio segment – WCH’s Dr. Paula Rochon discusses the Women’s Age Lab and its new partnership with RBC Wealth Management
International Women’s Day – CTV News Toronto – CTV News covered WCH Foundation’s Women for Women’s Gala, showcasing WCH patient Sharon Newman’s story about being tested for the BRCA mutation due to her Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, as well as highlighting the need for more women in leadership and the work in healthcare for women that will continue to move forward
Radio segment – Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan – WCH’s Dr. David Urbach discusses privatization of healthcare with CBC Radio Ottawa
Pregnant women with schizophrenia have threefold risk of interpersonal violence – Neuroscience News – A study led by ICES and WCH found that pregnant women with schizophrenia were three times more likely to visit an ED for interpersonal violence during pregnancy and the first year postpartum than those without schizophrenia; WCH’s Dr. Simone Vigod, Scientist, WCRI, says the study suggests that routine violence screening is an important intervention for preventing severe harm to patients and their children
MOXIE significantly reduces cardiovascular events in high-risk chronic disease patients – Pocket PC Medicine – A new study has found significant improvement in cardiovascular outcomes among patients who received access to MOXIE, an educational and support intervention; WCH’s Dr. Noah Ivers, Family Physician, says MOXIE helps patients with self-management and that it could be used to help patients with chronic illnesses
How long after conception positive pregnancy test – EatVerts – WCH Family Physician Dr. Carrie Schram explains breaks down questions about pregnancy test accuracy, importance of price, and how to avoid false negatives
Can your medications make you sick? – Consumer Reports – WCH’s Dr. Paula Rochon, Director of Women’s Age Lab, discusses the importance of reviewing over the counter and prescription medication with your doctor to avoid bad drug reactions and side affects
Navigating your postpartum period – She Does The City – WCH physician of gynecology Dr. Yolanda Kirkham penned an article breaking down what to expect with your menstrual cycle postpartum, including understanding your fertility after birth, how your period changes, and the best period products to use in postpartum
Think more money will fix our health crisis? Think again(PDF of article) – Toronto Star – As Canadian premiers accept federal healthcare deal, Ontario experts are saying throwing money at the problem won’t be enough to fix the healthcare system, including WCH’s Head of Surgery Dr. David Urbach, who says one reason surgical wait lists are so long is because most surgeons maintain sole control of their own workloads, meaning depending on your doctor, wait times for similar surgeries can vary
How to fight menopausal weight gain – Chatelaine – WCH Gynecology Physician Dr. Michelle Jacobson explains how and why women gain weight during menopause and shares tips on what to do about it, including seeing your physician for proper treatment of symptoms
Spotlight on Child & Adolescent Health: Indigenous communities – The Lancet Voice – WCH’s Dr. Lisa Richardson, Strategic Lead, Indigenous Health Administration, sits down with Philippa Harris, Editor-in-Chief of the Lancet Health Longevity and Yves Minani, Executive Director, UPARED in Burundi, to discuss adolescent health in Indigenous communities
CBC Radio One clip– CBC discusses the for-profit surgery centres coming to Ontario, including how WCH’s Dr. David Urbach explains that hospitals are only funded to perform a specific number of surgeries per year, and that gov’ts could pay to schedule additional surgeries on evenings and weekends at publicly funded hospitals, but says the real issue remains staffing
Women over 50 with mutations at higher cancer risk, reveals new study – Psychreg – A study led by WCRI’s Kelly Metcalfe, Research Nurse, following over 2000 women aged 50-75 from 16 different countries found that women with the BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation who hadn’t undergone cancer risk-reduction surgery were 77 per cent and 67 per cent, respectively, more likely to develop breast and ovarian cancer
630 CHED radio clip – Dr. Paula Harvey, Director, Cardiovascular Research Program at WCH, explains how Canada’s healthcare system is not serving women, especially when it comes to cardiology, as women are often not even given the same level of treatment or timely diagnosis when visiting a hospital for a heart-related medical event
Advanced stage breast cancer is more likely in women with diabetes – STARCTMAG – A study conducted by Women’s College Hospital and the Institute for Clinical Evaluation Sciences found a strong link between diabetes and later stage breast cancer; WCRI’s Dr. Lorraine Lipscombe, Physician, said the findings suggest women with diabetes may have a predisposition to more advanced state breast cancer
For $30/month, Ontario doctors offer rapid access to nurse practitioners – CBC News – Amid the healthcare crisis in Canada, some Ontario doctors are offering patients extra health care (seven-day a week rapid access to appointments with a NP) for a fee of $30 a month; WCH’s Dr. Danielle Martin, Primary Physician, says the healthcare for a fee is unequitable and unfair and that Ontario should be funding team-based care for all Ontarians rather than have a two-tier health system, which is legal in the province
As surgical wait lists grow, Canada’s private clinics cash in – CBC News – WCH’s Head of Surgery Dr. David Urbach says Ontario’s new for-profit surgical centres are not in keeping with the principles of the Canada Health Act and that the new model may worsen surgical wait times as the centres lure medical staff from public hospitals
Radio clip – AM640 – WCH gynecologist Dr. Yolanda Kirkham discusses her personal experience with perimenopause and how hormonal birth control plays a role in it
How many drinks are too many? – Canadian Living – WCH Addiction Medicine Physician and Medical Director of the Substance Use Service Dr. Jennifer Wyman discusses what factors to consider when assessing your personal drinking habits and risks, including biological factors, serving sizes, and reasons behind your drinking
How your social network can boost your health – and ways to make it stronger – Everything Zoomer – Dr. Rachel Savage, Research Scientist at WCRI’s Women’s Age Lab discusses how loneliness can negatively impact some people’s health and how some physicians are treating the issue with “social prescriptions”
Can you be pregnant and feel nothing? – EatVerts – WCH Family Physician Dr. Carrie Schram discusses what you need to know and consider about pregnancy tests, false positives, and test accuracy
Domperidone ‘crippled me’: Canadians reflect on withdrawal symptoms after use – Global News – Domperidone, a drug approved by Health Canada to treat GI disorders, is also commonly used to promote post-partum lactation, but many Canadians are now saying they were unaware of potential side effects and the withdrawal symptoms of discontinuing the drug; WCH Nurse Practitioner and international board-certified lactation consultant Jessica Bawden says a side effect of the drug is increased lactation, however it’s is not technically authorized in Canada for this purpose and prescribing it should be used as a last resort (see similar, earlier article from Global News)
System failure: Women’s heart and brain health are at risk – Heart & Stroke – For Heart & Stroke month, focus is being placed on gaps in research, diagnosis and care in women’s heart and brain health and WCH Cardiologist Dr. Husam Abdel-Qadir explains that this gap means physicians often don’t know how to treat forms of cardiovascular disease that are more common in women
Women are more apt to seek musculoskeletal care before inflammatory arthritis diagnosis – Rheumatology & Arthritis Learning Network – WCH’s Dr. Lihi Eder, Clinician Scientist, Rheumatology program, authored a study investigating patterns of healthcare use among men and women before and after inflammatory arthritis diagnosis which showed that women were more likely than men to visit family physicians and rheumatologists for MSK-related reasons and for imaging and lab tests and that male patients were more likely to seek emergency MSK care
I’m one of the 1/7 Canadians with genital herpes – here’s what you need to know – Best Health – WCH Family Doctor Dr. Rob Dmytryshyn explains that contracting herpes doesn’t always happen from infidelity and that the virus can stay dormant for a long time, meaning someone may not give it to their partner until well into a relationship simply because they haven’t had a flare up and not necessarily because of cheating
Canada’s top 40 research hospitals – Research Infosource Inc – Women’s College Research Institute was recognized as one of Canada’s top 40 research hospital’s by Research Infosource
No mystery behind surgical wait times(PDF of article) – Toronto Star – WCH’s Dr. David Urbach, Head of Surgery, explains in this op-ed that wait times depend on supply, demand, and service efficiency as well as the larger national problem of a lack of coordination surrounding specialized health care; he also explains ways to alleviate this issue including the use of single-entry models
75: The future of healthcare with Dr. Victoria Lee & Dr. Danielle Martin – Public Policy Forum podcast – WCH Primary Physician Dr. Danielle Martin joins University of British Columbia’s Dr. Victoria Lee on a public policy podcast to discuss the future of Canada’s healthcare system in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic as many Canadians worry about healthcare delivery in the country could soon look like
Virtual doctor’s visits did not drive patients to hospital ERs, study finds(PDF of article) – Toronto Star – A recent study conducted by UHN, ICES, Unity Health Toronto and Women’s College Hospital showing that patients who sought virtual appointment’s were twice as likely to visit an ER is being contracted by a new study published by the OMA which says that ER visits within the first year of the pandemic were not affected by whether or not patients sought virtual care, but rather on lack of options like access to family doctors
The Social – CTV – Dr. Aisha Lofters, Scientist, WCRI, and Dr. Cynthia Maxwell, VP, Medical Affairs, join CTV’s The Social’s hosts to discuss inequities in Black women’s healthcare and how WCH is helping to address those and bridge existing gaps
ADVICE: Are period cramps affecting your life? – Healthing – WCH Family Physician Dr. Nikita Patel explains period cramps and what conditions and lifestyle factors can make them worse as well as ways to help alleviate the pain
Dermatitis linked to overweight ad short stature in children as young as 2 years old – Med News – WCH researchers studied data to assess the association between atopic dermatitis and children’s height and weight and found that children with eczema at age 2 were shorter on average and found a difference in weight compared to children without dermatitis in other age groups as well
Patient reported symptoms and adverse outcomes seen in Canada’s first vaginoplasty postoperative care clinic – Neurology and Urodynamics – A study led by WCH’s Dr. Yonah Krakowsky and Emery Potter shows that among 80 patients who underwent vaginoplasty, there were common minor post-operative symptoms that required care, drawing the conclusion that post-op care for vaginoplasty and other gender-affirming surgeries is important to TRS programs
CBC Radio One – Women’s College Researcher Dr. Lauren Lapointe-Shaw joined CBC radio to discuss her recent study about virtual walk-in clinics and the likelihood of those patients to seek treatment at ERs after the fact
Patients who use virtual walk-in clinics more likely to go to ER later: study(PDF of article) – Toronto Star – A new study conducted by Women’s College Hospital, UHN, ICES, and Unity Health Toronto, lead by Dr. Lauren Lapointe-Shaw, looked at outcomes between patients who saw their family physicians through virtual visits and patients who visited virtual walk-in clinics and found that the latter were twice as likely to visit an ER within 30 days
Be an ally for PLHIV this new year – In Magazine – WCH Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Mona Loutfy spoke with In Magazine about HIV including what it means to be undetectable/untransmittable and how to address the HIV knowledge gap in Canada
CTV Your Morning – 7:45 a.m. – WCH’s Dr. Michelle Jacobson, OBGYN, discussed ovarian cyst symptoms, risks, and when to seek medical help (segment link not available)
Factors associated with the breast cancer diagnostic interval across five Canadian provinces: A CanIMPACT retrospective cohort study – MDPI – A study co-led by WCH’s Arlinda Ruco, Postdoctoral Fellow and Dr. Aisha Lofters, Scientist, looked at the length of the diagnostic interval within and across five provinces, specifically at patients diagnosed outside of respective provincial cancer screening programs and found that intervals were shorter for patients who had their cancer detected through provincial screening programs than through symptom-detection
How can you strengthen your immune system? – My Pure Radiance – A new study by WCH shows that environmental toxins affecting immune systems have a much larger affect on women
Breakfast Television Toronto – City Toronto – WCH is responding to the influx in respiratory patients in Toronto’s emergency rooms with the COVID-19, Cold and Flu Clinic
Childhood chronic conditions up with maternal schizophrenia – Neurology Advisor – A recent study led by WCH’s Dr. Simone Vigod showed that children exposed to maternal schizophrenia had an increased risk of chronic childhood health conditions
5 ways the LCBO supported communities in Ontario this year – Daily Hive – One of the LCBO’s largest fundraising campaigns on 2022 was through their #ToastToPRIDE campaign, which fundraised for the WCH Foundation and raised over $2.1M towards research and programs supporting the health and wellbeing of members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community
Delays in Ontario’s pap test results – Zoomer Radio – WCH’s Dr. Yolanda Kirkham, Associate Physician, Gynecology, discusses the increasing delays in pap test results in Ontario
Fear and loathing…and awe – RamsayInc – WCH’s Women’s Age Lab, headed by geriatrician Dr. Paula Rochon is profiled as the world’s first lab of it’s kind, sharing the 2021-2022 Women’s Age Lab Impact Report
CBC Radio One clip – As hospitals in Ontario grapple with an influx of patients with respiratory illnesses, CBC radio one mentions that WCH has opened a dedicated COVID-19, Cold and Flu clinic to help ease the strain on emergency rooms
DMARDs for RA improve vascular inflammation and CV risk – Reporter Wings – WCH’s Dr. Lihi Eder says a study comparing the effects of DMARDs on vascular inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis build on what’s already know about some underlying mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases in RA and how to optimize treatments to reduce risk
Toronto innovators win prestigious grants for work in metastatic breast cancer(PDF of article) (sponsored) – Toronto Star – WCH Family Physician Dr. Aisha Lofters was one of two Toronto scientists and clinicians awarded Pfizer Canada and Rethink Breast Cancer grants to support her project to create information supports and resources for Black women with metastatic breast cancer
CityNews Toronto Tonight (PDF of transcript) – Coverage of WCH’s Dec. 6 event including footage of Mayor John Tory, MOH Sylvia Jones, and an interview with Director of Communications Emily Hanft
CP24 broadcast (PDF of transcript) – Coverage of Women’s College Hospital’s Dec. 6 event which included coverage of the event with Mayor John Tory, MOH Sylvia Jones, Keynote speaker Yasmeen Persad, and an interview with SA/DVCC medical Secretary Rabbia Sultan-Hijazi
Promise and perils of Canada’s new action plan to end gender based violence – The BMJ – An opinion piece authored by WCRI Senior Scientist Janice Du Mont explains that Canada’s National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence, released last month, presents challenges to overburdened systems and should be received with cautious optimism
NEA Awards grants for Eczema research to 13 investigators – Biotechnology Industry News – WCH’s Dr. Aaron Drucker is one of 13 investigators awarded grants for his research in long-term safety of topical corticosteroids in treatment of atopic dermatitis
Managing chronic pain through exercise – Canadian Living – TAPMI clinical manager and physiotherapist Celeste Corkery discusses the benefits of exercise in the management of chronic pain and what to keep in mind when starting a routine
Radio clip – Zoomer Radio – WCH’s Dr. Sean Wharton shares his personal journey and insights into obesity science
Doctors, advocates urge province to expand access to gender-affirming care (pitched) – CityNews – WCH’s Dr. Alexi Millman, TRS program, and TRS patient Amelia Smith spoke about the importance of gender-affirming surgeries and care and how WCH is expanding capacity to provide these life-saving surgeries
Men from West Africa, Caribbean have higher incidence of prostate cancer in Ontario: new study (pitched) – CBC News – Dr. Aisha Lofters, family physician at WCG, discusses the prevalence of prostate cancer in men from West Africa and the Caribbean, stats that were identified through provincial-level immigration data, but says Canada needs to do more race-based data collection to help with this identification
National Transgender Awareness Week (starting at 1:10:30) (pitched) – CTV Your Morning – Dr. Alexi Millman, from WCH’s TRS program, discusses the importance of gender-affirming care and how Women’s is expanding capacity in its TRS program to provide more life-saving surgeries to the trans and gender diverse community
She chemically straightened her hair to feel accepted. Now she’s learned of the increased risk of uterine cancer – CTV News – A U.S. study recently showed an increased risk of uterine cancer for women who use chemical hair straightening products, disproportionately affecting Black women, and WCH’s Dr. Aisha Lofters says Canada should conduct its own research into the risks of straightening products so women can make an informed choice about what they want to do with their hair
Healthcare supply chain needs a re-think observers say – Canadian Healthcare Technology – WCH VP of Finance Greg Choe discusses the recent supply shortages facing hospitals and how exceeding capacities could create other medical supply shortages as well
How can Canada reduce surgical backlogs without expanding privatization? – CMAJ News – WCH’s Dr. David Urbach and Dr. Danielle Martin discuss how Canada’s healthcare system can alleviate the surgical backlog without private healthcare, including centralized waitlists and single-entry, central intake models
Study reassures transition from specialist to PCP after thyroid cancer treatment – Targeted Oncology – Presenting data from a study of patients with thyroid cancer trainsitioned from a specialist to a primary care physician (PCP), Patricia Ngyuen, PhD, from WCH’s Peter Gilgan Centre for Women’s Cancers explained that there’s an opportunity for PCPs to play a larger role in the treatment of patients with thyroid cancer, which has been rising, and that outcomes have been positive
What to know about breast cancer screening (pitched media) – Canadian Living – WCH Family Physician Dr. Melinda Wu, of the Peter Gilgan Centre for Women’s Cancers, explains what to look for when self-assessing for breast cancer and when to start getting screened based on risk factors and family history
I have PMDD. Perimenopause radically improved my life – Chatelaine – Dr. Jovana Martinovic, a psychiatrist in WCH’s Reproductive Life Stages program discusses the difference between typical premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and how significantly PMDD symptoms can affect one’s life
Donors and award winners honoured at Guardian Angel Celebration – Renascent – WCH’s CAC team was named a recipient of the 2022 Peter Armstrong Community Award of Excellence for their assistance during the pandemic to addictions shelters and congregate living settings and was honoured at Renascent’s Guardian Angel Celebration
Radio clip – 630 CHED Edmonton – Dr. Vanessa Redditt discusses the mental health impacts on refugees and asylum seekers and the factors that contribute to poorer mental health outcomes
Precarious immigration status hurts families. It’s time we do better.(PDF of article) – Toronto Star – Dr. Vanessa Reddit penned an op-ed about the impacts and challenges precarious immigration status can have on immigrants and their families, including women staying in abusive relationships for fear of deportation and poorer working conditions and pay
Can #HeadandShoulder cure #Acne? – CBC Street Cents TikTok – CBC’s Street Cents hosts asked three doctors including WCH’s Dr. Aaron Drucker their thoughts on a new dermatology TikTok trend, using Head and Shoulders shampoo for acne
‘This is really the end’: Asylum seekers in Canada struggle with suicidal thoughts – Global News – WCH family physician Dr. Vanessa Redditt discusses her work with asylum seekers, who she says often suffer from PTSD, depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation, and explains that factors such as asylum claim decisions, rejections, precarious immigration status, family separation, inadequate housing and racial discrimination contribute to mental health struggles and crises she sees in her patients
COVID shots can impact period timing, studies suggest. Women were already wondering – CBC News – WCH’s Dr. Noah Ivers explains that while studies have shown COVID-19 vaccines can cause cycle fluctuations, there’s no evidence they impact reproductive health; Dr. Yolanda Kirkham discusses other factors that can impact menstrual cycles, including calorie restriction, excessive exercise, stress, travel and chronic illness
The Traffic Light System – Migraine Ireland – A simplified decision-making process for patients and practitioners to identify migraine severity, called the Traffic Light System, was devised by two WCH Centre for Migraine doctors, Dr. Marissa Lagman and Dr. Christine Lay, which is now being used in other healthcare settings
Radio clip – CBC Radio One – A large study recently found that the COVID-19 vaccine can cause changes to menstrual cycles, but WCH’s Dr. Noah Ivers explained that there’s no evidence the vaccine impacts reproductive health or fertility
Paula Rochon and Surbhi Kalia: How climate change is impacting older women – Straight – Dr. Paula Rochon, VP, Research, and Surbhi Kalia, Project Manager, WCRI, and strategy lead of Women’s Age Lab, explain the disproportionate effect on older women from extreme weather events in this piece they wrote
Understanding migraine headaches – CTV Your Morning – WCH physician and neurologist Dr. Christine Lay discusses the differences between migraines and headaches, symptoms of migraines, triggers, and when to talk to your doctor
Radio clip – CBC Radio One – WCH’s Dr. Jesse Myers discusses the challenge of finding family doctors in Ontario and how the profession is trying to attract more medical students to family medicine
Privacy and virtual healthcare: Report launch – Canadian Civil Liberties Association – ‘Virtual healthcare services in Canada: Digital trails, de-identified data and privacy implications’, a report let by principal investigator Dr. Sheryl Spithoff, examines the privacy implications of virtual healthcare
Why men should be doing Kegals, too – MSN – WCH’s Olivia Drodge, physiotherapist, explains the importance of pelvic floor muscles on basic human needs like bowel movements, urination and sexual function
Why are some athletes injury prone? Timothy Burkhart’s research could offer clues – Education News Canada – Timothy Burkhart, assistant professor of orthopedic biomechanics at U of T is partnering with WCH to recruit participants for a study about hip injuries focuses specifically on women, as FAIS hip injuries tend to be prevalent in female athletes
CTV Morning Live – CTV News radio – Dr. Amanda Selk joined hosts to discuss the differences between pap tests and HPV tests and which one is better for cancer screening
Alcohol poses health risks even in small amounts: report – Global News – Dr. Jennifer Wyman, WCH family physician, discusses the risks of alcohol use and the disparities between standard drink sizes and what some people get at bars
The Current with Matt Galloway – CBC News – Dr. Jennifer Wyman discusses a report that suggests having more than six drinks/week could lead to an increased risk of health issues
Advice for managing migraines from a neurologist(pitched media) – Canadian Living – Dr. Marissa Lagman, headache neurologist at WCH’s Centre for Headache, discusses common migraine triggers and how to manage them, including screen time and screen breaks, proper sleep schedules, proper eating and stress management
Trudeau tweaks cabinet, swapping ministers Tassi and Jaczek – CBC News – Helena Jaczek, who previously practiced medicine at WCH, has been moved into the role of Minister of Public Services and Procurement in a federal gov’t cabinet swap; Jaczek previously served as Ontario’s minister of health and LTC and minister of community and social services
Artificial intelligence and predictive algorithms in medicine – Canadian Family Physician – A study looking into how AI could play a role in preventative medical practice, co-led by WCH Family Physician Sheryl Spithoff, examines the problems and promises of adapting AI into patient care
Award-winning humanitarian and author Samantha Nutt to speak at UNH – Newsbreak – WCH staff physician Dr. Samantha Nutt will be presenting a talk called “Beyond the Headlines” at the University of New Hampshire, with the goal to shed some light on the aspects of global emergencies not mentioned in the media
International residency program promotes creative and cultural exchange – Education News Canada – Nadia McLaren, specialist in the Indigenous Health and Education at the Centre for Wise Practices at Women’s, co-created a program in which participants from the University of the Bahamas (UB) and community members from the Project ICE (Incubator for Collaborative Expression) got to collaborate in examining how colonialism has shaped how we produce, understand and display art through material explorations, community engagement and creative collaboration
Physician home visits in Ontario: a cross-sectional analysis of patient characteristics and postvisit use of health care services – CMAJ Open – A study on physician home physicians conducted by researchers from UHN as well as Yingbo Na, an analyst from Women’s College Research Institute, found that about half of physician home visits assessed were to patients in a younger age group who were relatively healthy and not receiving palliative or home care, and found opportunities to refine policies to use home visits to target patients most likely to benefit from them
What one Toronto Hospital is doing to ramp up screening for breast cancer – and to make sure no one gets left behind– The Star – WCH’s Dr. Aisha Lofters discusses the underrepresentation of women of colour in breast cancer screening outreach and treatment, and explains how WCH is working to connect with under-screened groups to increase the number of mammograms to Black, Muslim, and women of colour as well as trans individuals who may feel gender-dysphoria when accessing these services; WCHF’s fundraising initiative to secure more mammography machines as well as WCH’s Breast Cancer Awareness month event and Black Women Resource Hub is also discussed as ways the hospital is trying to reach under-screened communities
CTV “Your Morning” interview (starting at 1:1:56) – CTV News – WCH family physician Dr. Vanessa Reddit discusses the benefits of Ontario’s temporary health policy to extend health coverage to uninsured people; the Ministry of Health has said no changes are planned to the measure, but advocates including Dr. Redditt remain concerned as other temporary COVID measures begin to be repealed as they urge the gov’t to make the policy permanent
13 signs you are taking too many prescriptions – MSN – Taking five or more prescriptions could put you at risk of harmful drug interactions; WCH’s Dr. Paula Rochon, geriatrician, says that patients should ask their doctor several questions before starting a new medication, including if the drug is treating side effects of another medication, if there is a substitute for the drug causing the side effects, and is the drug necessary
CTV segment – CTV Your Morning Weekend – Dr Amanda Selk, OBGYN at Mount Sinai and WCH, discusses on air the recommendation to use HPV tests as opposed to PAP smears as a more effective way of screening for cervical cancer
Spare the nerves in deep infiltrative endometriosis surgery – MDedge – Dr. Nucelio Lemos and Dr. Meghan McGrattan, WCH Gynecology department, were invited to Dr. Charles E. Miller’s latest edition of the Master Class in Gynecologic Surgery to review approaches to nerve-sparing surgery in endometriosis cases
13 signs you are taking too many prescriptions – MSN – Taking five or more prescriptions could put you at risk of harmful drug interactions; WCH’s Dr. Paula Rochon, geriatrician, says that patients should ask their doctor several questions before starting a new medication, including if the drug is treating side effects of another medication, if there is a substitute for the drug causing the side effects, and is the drug necessary
Cannabis Concerns for Kids – American Council on Science and Health – Dr. Meldon Kahan, Medical Director in substances use service at Women’s College Hospital, is cited in a larger article that talks about the importance of keeping children safe from cannabis abuse, explaining that cannabis is still not safe for younger age ranges, despite cannabis companies promoting their products to those age ranges
Importance of getting a breast cancer screening – CTV News – Dr. Aisha Lofters from WCH’s Peter Gilgan Centre for Women’s Cancers explains how WCH is working to try and eliminate the backlog of breast cancer screenings through outreach to anyone with breasts to encourage them to get screened as well as active fundraising for four new mammography machines
News Clip – CBC – WCH is one of the many hospitals being impacted by the healthcare providers’ shortage, and patients are starting to run out of options as they can’t get connected to a family doctor.
Canada’s breast-screening measures aren’t equitable enough – The Globe and Mail – WCH’s Dr. Aisha Lofters speaks to the importance of enhancing equitable access to breast screening for all to catch cancer and pre-cancer when it’s most treatable
The hard road to success for skilled young immigrants – Canada’s National Observer – Jad Jaber, a Lebanese immigrant who works at WCH as a research assistant, explains that young immigrants face unique barriers to finding gainful employment to pay rent and living expenses after arriving in Canada
Ford government urged to extend paid sick leave amid COVID-19 wave – Global News – Dr. Vanessa Redditt, Family Physician on Crossroads Clinic at Women’s, points out the higher burden low-wage workers face in the pandemic and that we must consider their needs when it comes to health policy like paid sick time
News Clip – CBC Radio – Dr. Amanda Selk, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Women’s College Hospital, explains why it’s a good idea for Ontario to replace Pap tests with HPV testing, which has shown to be more accurate
New president and CEO at waypoint Centre – Canadian HealthCare Technology – Dr. Nadiya Sunderji, who has held many positions, one of them being a psychiatrist and education lead in the Mental Health and Addictions Program at Women’s College Hospital, was announced president and chief executive officer of Waypoint Centre for Mental Health Care
The growing struggle to access gender-affirming health care in rural Canada – Briarpatch Magazine – As Canada currently has few transition-related surgery (TRS) programs across the country, WCH’s Jack Woodman, VP of Strategy, Quality, Risk, and Privacy, explains that it’s necessary for Atlantic provinces to look at providing TRS services and programs, as patients from the east coast currently have to travel to Quebec or Ontario to access these services
Ontario Healthcare workers call on province to provide 10 permanent sick days in open letter –The Morning Show – Healthcare workers in Ontario have recently called on the province in an open letter to provide all workers with 10 permanent paid sick days, WCH’s Dr. Vanessa Reddit, Family physician, shares the importance of legislating PTO for sick workers; the province currently just for 3 sick days which are set to expire at the end of July
News Clip – CPAC – As women try to find appointments for gynecology clinics, some people are waiting years to find a doctor whose caseloads are overwhelming, including a 7-year wait list at WCH
The next pandemic: Applying learnings from COVID-19 to tackle Antimicrobial resistance – Yahoo – Dr. Andrew Morris, Infectious Disease specialist and the Medical Director of the Sinai Health-University Health Network Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, shares the importance of preventing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), which makes virus and bacteria become resistant to treatments.
‘Winging it’: Trans health-care coverage spotty, hart to navigate across Canada – Global News – The trans community in Canada says there aren’t enough practitioners and programs to meet the needs of trans, intersex, and gender diverse people, including transition-related surgeries, with only a few programs being offered in Canada like the one at Women’s College Hospital
Gender-affirming health coverage by Canadian province, territory – GranthShalaNews – With gender-affirming health care being limited across the Canadian territory, the Metropolitan Center of Surgery in Women’s College Hospital is only one of the three clinics that can perform these procedures.
Mentally ill women are much more likely to be in an abusive relationship – STARCTMAG – Women’s College Hospital is performing the first Canadian population-based study that links mental health disorders with women being more likely to be domestically abused. Led by Tonia Du Month, scientist at WCH.
News Segment – CBC Toronto News – WCH’s Crossroads Clinic is profiled in this segment for World Refugee Day (segment starts at 23:50)
Aziz, McClure, and Horn join Halton Healthcare Board of Directors – Oakville News – Karen McClure, who has previously worked with Women’s College Hospital amongst other hospitals, was recently appointed the new member of the Board of Directors in Halton Healthcare.
Increasing demand for gender-affirming surgeries in Canada – CTV News – With the growing wait list for gender-affirming surgeries in Canada and limited options, Jack Woodman, VP of Strategy and Quality at Women’s College, shares their expertise on the subject.
News Clip – CTV News – Women’s College Hospital is acknowledged as a pioneer for trans healthcare since 2019.
A quiet violence: Navigating Female Genital Cutting as an LGBTQ+ Survivor – Media Line – Dr. Marci Bowers, a pelvic and gynecologic surgeon who initiated trans surgical education programs at different hospitals, including WCH, is one of several advocates with intimate knowledge on the topic of female genital cutting (FGC) among the LGBTQ2S+ community invited to participate in this groundbreaking event being held on June 23
Healtchare pioneers – Hospital News – Eminetra Canada – Dr. Meb Rashid, founder and medical director of the Crossroads Clinic at the Women’s College Hospital, is one of the 2022 Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Award Winners due to its extraordinary contributions on healthcare and as a refugee health advocate.
Virtual Rehab is here to stay! – ReBalance Sports Medicine – As virtual healthcare has become a go-to, a poll from Women’s College Hospital determined that 91% of patients polled were very satisfied with their experience, opening a door for virtual care in rehab
News clip – City News – Dr Simone Vigod discusses the exclusion of women from earlier medical research and how that has continued to affect women’s healthcare today, including during the pandemic, which has also allowed opportunities for virtual care to thrive
The Age Gauge – IN Magazine – Dr. Nowell Solish, co-director, Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Clinic at WCH, discusses the differences between men and women when it comes to signs of aging on the skin
What it feels like: Diagnosed with OCD and anxiety while pregnant – Healthing – Research from WCH shows the significant increase in new moms reaching out for help regarding their mental health, and a WCH psychiatry patient discusses their diagnosis and treatment while pregnant
News clip – Global News Morning – As mask mandates in high-risk areas are set to end tomorrow, several Toronto hospitals, including Sinai Health, UHN hospitals, and WCH plan to keep their own mask policies in place for the foreseeable future
Ontario needs to think bigger on LBGTQ health to address pandemic effects, doctors say – QP Briefing – The COVID-19 pandemic has caused up to 45 per cent fewer people getting tested for HIV and other STIs as well as poor mental health and an increased wait list for gender-affirming surgeries, which WCH VP Jack Woodman says has grown “exponentially,” with little to no planning from the province on how to improve access
News clip – CP24 – WCH tells CP24 that the hospital’s masking policy for staff, patients, visitors, and vendors will remain in place past the provincial expiration on June 11, as well as other hospitals including MacKenzie Health
Spain may soon legislate paid menstrual leave. Should Canada follow suit? – Global News – WCH’s Dr. Yolanda Kirkham explains the burden of menstruation on women, including the potentially disabling pain or anemia and added cost to get doctor’s notes for paid sick time when they are unable to make it into work; she also explains that companies can help by implementing their own policies rather than waiting for gov’t to legislate paid leave
Study classifies 232 topical corticosteroid formulations – ConsultantLive – An investigative team led by Alexa Bowie from WCH has classified 232 topical corticosteroids formulations into 3 potency classifications, which can help avoid limitations in comparisons, clinical interpretations, and classification
Guest Post: Racism and health disparities in Black Americans – Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes – WCH Academic staff member Dr. Sean Wharton discusses the increased risk of obesity for Black Americans and the disparities in health care that fuels poorer health outcomes
THEN AND NOW: Collier St. home housed notable residents – – The legacy of Dr. Jennie Gray, who worked for the Ontario Medical College clinic for women – later Women’s College Hospital – and eventually rose to become chief of gynecology at the hospital, is discussed in this article about a historic Toronto home
Understanding trauma – Canadian Living – WCH’s Dr. Dana Ross, psychiatrist in the Trauma Therapy Program, discusses the psychological, emotional, and physical impacts that can be caused by trauma and the ways that those suffering can help manage their symptoms
They have already reached the end of the slippery slope – The BFD – As another patient suffering from multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) has applied for MAID, her physician and medical director of the Environmental Health Clinic at WCH Dr. Riina Bray says that none of the doctors involved in the MAID application contacted her about the situation, which she says is easily fixable with adequate housing
Ep. 72: Merendiando with Suvendrini Lena – Aluna Theatre – WCH Neurologist Dr. Suvendrini Lena discusses solidarity among communities of colour and her roles as a neurologist and playwright
The Current – CBC – CBC Radio’s Matt Galloway discusses the current surgery backlog in Ontario with WCH’s Dr. David Urbach and two patients waiting for knee surgery
Alopecia Areata TK – VN Explorer – WCH physiotherapist Negar Amirfarhad works with alopecia and cancer patients who experience hair loss and explains the range of effects hair loss can have on someone; dermatologist and head of WCH’s hair-loss clinic, Dr. Renee Beach, also discusses hair loss and advises against trying supplements without medical guidance
Flu shots lower CVD risk, new meta-analysis confirms – Cardiovascular Business – Health policy specialist at WCH Behar Behrouzi and first author on this study explains that high-risk patients can see cardiovascular benefits from getting their annual flu shot
OARSI sets sights on classifying early-stage knee OA – MDedge – WCRI’s Dr. Gillian Hawker, senior clinician-scientist, is chairing a Task Force Steering Committee to consolidate classification criteria for early-stage knee osteoarthritis (OA) and says that this criteria is needed for many reasons, including that patients can be ready to receive therapies when they are developed (please note, the majority of this article is behind a paywall that I do not have access to)
More gender diversity needed on corporate boards – Directors & Boards – WCH Foundation board member Jennifer Reynolds, who has officially become the CEO of Women Corporate Directors, “the world’s largest membership organization and community of women corporate board directors”, discusses the need for gender diversity on corporate boards
Struggling with knee pain? We’d like to hear from you! – Arthritis Research Canada – Arthritis Research Canada is looking for participants for a study about arthritic knee pain, co-investigated by WCH’s Dr. Gillian Hawker
‘Catastrophic’: No clear solution from provinces as surgery backlog crisis continues – Global News – WCH’s Surgery Department Head Dr. David Urbach explains that the operations patients are waiting on are necessary and delays will cause long periods of suffering and reduced quality of life amid the worst surgery backlog he’s seen in Canada
Trailblazers in health care: Celebrating the recipients of the 2022 CMA awards – Willardpost – Founder and medical director of WCH’s Crossroads Clinic Dr. Meb Rashid has received a Canadian Medical Association Award for Political Advocacy for his work in refugee healthcare in Canada, including founding the Crossroads Clinic, co-founding Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care, and his work in fighting federal cuts to refugee healthcare
Radio clip from CBC Radio – WCH Family Practice physician Dr. Sheila Wijayasinghe discusses endometriosis and women’s pain that is often overlooked or explained by other things, like exaggerating pain or mental illness
Black Canadians’ chances of getting kidney transplant hurt by race-based adjustment – Toronto Star – WCH’s Dr. Rulan Parekh explains that race-based assumptions of Black people having higher muscle mass – which assumes higher kidney function – is sometimes used to determine who is referred to a nephrology clinic for kidney disease diagnosis, treatment, and transplant, and leaves Black Canadians with a lower likelihood of referral
Remembering longtime local nurse Dorothy Bremner – Toronto Star – During the Second World War, nurse Dorothy Bremner moved to Ontario and enrolled in WCH’s nursing training program to help the war efforts at home, and where she would eventually return to teach throughout her career
HerStory campaign celebrates Toronto’s inspirational women – CityNews – City of Toronto’s HerStory campaign highlights the contributions of influential women, including Jean Lumb, the first Chinese-Canadian woman and restauranteur inducted to the Order of Canada, who also served on Women’s College Hospital board of directors
Remembering longtime local nurse Dorothy Bremner – Toronto Star – During the Second World War, nurse Dorothy Bremner moved to Ontario and enrolled in WCH’s nursing training program to help the war efforts at home, and where she would eventually return to teach throughout her career
Catch cancer before it starts – Jewish Independent – Tovah Carr, a member of the BRCAinBC committee, explains that as an Ashkenazi Jewish Women, she and her sister are at higher risk for carrying the BRCA genes and both were found to test positive for BRCA1 genes after volunteering for WCH’s Screen Project study
EngageWR introduces Speakers Series on equitable cities – The Community Edition – Engage Waterloo Region (EngageWR) has launched a Speaker Series, in partnership with WCH, aimed at starting a conversation about building equitable cities
Benefits of fluvoxamine confirmed in new study – McGill University Health Centre – A study in collaboration with researchers at WCH shows that fluvoxamine is effective in preventing COVID-19 hospitalizations
Time to re-imagine surgery delivery in Canada – The Hamilton Spectator – WCH’s Dr. David Urbach cowrote this article explaining that clearing the elective surgery backlog in Canada will take a radical overhaul
After centuries of exclusion, medical research on women still has a way to go – The Varsity – while discussing the health gap for women in healthcare and research, WCH’s Cardiovascular Health Initiative is discussed as the first program of its kind in Canada and its aim to help women struggling with heart conditions and provide women-focused rehabilitation
Are you really getting a deal at your favourite dollar store? – CBC News – The dollar store has begun carrying pregnancy tests and WCH family physician Dr. Dara Maker says that she recommends dollar store pregnancy tests for her patients who are trying to conceive, saying that they are just as effective as tests from other stores
To age well, get out there and walk – Toronto Star – WCH’s Dr. Paula Rochon wrote a piece about the benefits of regular walking on aging, including improvements to physical health and creating social connections
DLSPH researchers study Canadian vaccine distribution from an equity lens – Indigenous Lands & Resources Today – A team of researchers including WCH’s Dr. Noah Ivers is studying vaccine distribution in Canada in seven jurisdictions to learn the best methods to reach equity-deserving and at-risk populations
Risk-reducing options for high-grade serous gynecologic malignancy in BRCA 1/2 – A review, co-authored by Michelle Jacobson from OBGYN departments at WCH, U of T, and Mount Sinai, summarizes up-to-date research on pharmacologic risk-reducing interventions, including oral contraceptive, for gynecologic malignancy in BRCA ½ mutation
Cardio-rheumatology: it’s time to collaborate – Nature Reviews – WCH’s Lihi Eder and Paula Harvey’s review on the need for interdisciplinary model of care for improving cardiovascular health in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disease (please note, this review is behind a paywall and I can’t find it on any other publications)
Endometriosis Awareness Month – CityNews – WCH’s Dr. Yolanda Kirkham explains what endometriosis is and what effects the pandemic has had on surgery backlogs for patients
The Agenda with Steve Paikin – WCH family physician Dr. Danielle Martin discusses the new family physician-run website
Helping atopic dermatitis patients find right treatment – Mirage News – WCH dermatologist and scientist Dr. Aaron Drucker discusses new treatments becoming available for patients with atopic dermatitis and the living network meta-analysis he’s leading with Professor Carsten Flohr from St. John’s Institute of Dermatology at King’s
Diabetes may distract women from cancer screenings – Konitono – WCH endocrinologist Dr. Lorraine Lipscombe discusses data showing that women with diabetes have a small but significantly increased risk for cervical, breast, and colorectal cancers and are less likely to be screened for them
Covalon announces changes to its Board of Directors – NBC 12 – WCH staff physician Dr. Samantha Nutt has been elected to the board of directors for Covalon Technologies Ltd., an advanced medical technologies company
Prescribing cascades and the implications for deprescribing – – Dr. Sameera Toenjes, who has a clinical practice at WCH, is interviewed on the ‘prescribing cascade,’ where patients may experience side effects from one medication that requires another medication to control, and her research into this practice
Two biomarkers flag heart health risk in patients with psoriatic disease – Inside Precision Medicine – A study authored by a group of international investigators including WCH associate professor of medicine Lihi Eder has found that elevated levels of two blood-borne markers of cardiovascular health in people with psoriatic disease are at increased risk for cardiovascular events or problems
CTV News segment – Dr. Aisha Lofters discusses the barriers to women’s healthcare, including indirect costs like childcare and time off work needed for some routine screenings, with CTV’s Pauline Chan (this also aired on several other CTV news segments, radio shows, and CP24)
Pandemic creates opportunity for change – The Free Press – WCH’s Dr. David Urbach wrote an article with assistant professor of surgery at U of T David Gomez about creating better access to elective or non-emergency surgery in the wake of pandemic challenges
COVID-19 Vaccine-associated myocarditis milder, confirms cardiac MRI based study – Medical Dialogues – A study on the severity of vaccine-associated myocarditis in comparison to myocarditis caused by other factors, led in part by WCH’s department of imaging, proves that the side effect associated with COVID-19 vaccination is milder
Better care through better processes – UHN Research – A research team, including WCH’s Breast Imaging Technician Sheena Chung, have identified medical imaging as a promising area to consider expanind redeployment options to help alleviate bottlenecks and gaps int he delivery of care
The Agenda with Steve Paikin – Dr. Danielle Martin discusses the website, a resource built by family physicains to answer the most common questions they receive from their patients
How the pandemic proved the importance of no-touch abortions – Best Health Magazine – The Canadian Protocol for the Provision of Medical Abortion via Telemedicine, co-authored by WCH’s Dr. Julie Thorne, is one way WCH has been at the forefront of virtual abortion care since the first wave of the pandemic
Cutting through the COVID confusion – The London Free Press – Dr.’s Tara Kiran and Danielle Martin discuss the importance of credible information about COVID-19 and the new website
NACI strengthens COVID vaccine advice for kids 5-11 – CBC News – WCH’s Dr. Noah Ivers stresses the importance of deciding to get kids 5-11 vaccinated, with interval timing a secondary consideration, as NACI strengthens its vaccine recommendations
Routinely asking patients about income in primary care: a mixed-methods study – BJGP Open – Toronto Clinician-Scientists, including WCH’s Aisha Lofters, conducted a study regarding patients reporting income to healthcare providers when asked and the disparity of reporting depending on demographic and social factors
Build back better: In Canada, aging is a feminist issue – Toronto Star – Dr. Martin and Thuy-Nga Pham discuss how the pandemic revealed critical healthcare issues in LTC homes and how caring for elders mostly affects women
How Eating Disorders Can Impact Women During Pregnancy – Eating Disorder Hope Blog – “During pregnancy, your body is changing in a way that’s not necessarily in your control,” says Simone Vigod, chief of psychiatry at Women’s College Hospital “For somebody who already struggles with body image difficulties, even if they’ve achieved a healthy weight, pregnancy can be really complicated psychologically.”
Are vaccine mandates needed before school resumes in September? – – “A study out of Women’s College Hospital indicates that the vaccination rates, full vaccination rates, for teachers and educators as a whole is 89-90 per cent,” says Craig Smith, Thames Valley president for the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario.
Symcor Celebrates a Milestone 25th Year Anniversary Supporting Digital Transformation Within Canadian Industries – Canadian Immigrant – Symcor is committed to acting now to impact social change and enable future possibilities by supporting local sponsorships like Hazel McCallion’s Trillium Health Partners Foundation which contributes to the expansion of Mississauga Hospital, and by partnering on virtual healthcare opportunities with Women’s College Hospital.
Do you pee when you sneeze? – Best Health – “In women, it’s common to have bladder infections because the urethra tends to be very short and close to the anal opening,” explains Erika Feuerstein, a family physician and educational director at the Bay Centre for Birth Control at WCH.
Fixing health-care wait times once and for all– Toronto Star – Sameena Uddin and Dr. Danielle Martin look at how co-operation across the healthcare sector could help address wait times
The learning health system: An R and D department for local solutions – Healthy Debate – Dr. Noah Ivers states, “a corporation that is doing research and development doesn’t give a pocket of money for a short amount of time, and then tell the team to disband, and start again, which is basically how health systems research works right now.”
The Surprising Health Benefits of Kegel Exercises for Men – Reader’s Digest – Olivia Drodge, physiotherapist at WCH, explains that pelvic floor muscles service the basics of our human needs: bowel movements, urination and sexual function.
Sexual Health: What Women Need to Know at Any Age – – Dr. Julie Thorne, family planning lead for Women’s College Hospital and Mount Sinai Hospital, discusses the importance of speaking with your healthcare provider about your sexual health, to sex after pregnancy and managing pain during intercourse after menopause.
What Women Need to Know About Contraception – – Dr. Julie Thorne provides insights into contraception for family planning and for menstrual management, as well as safe and accessible abortion care.
COVID-19 Vaccine Experiences– YouTube – These familiar faces wanted to share their COVID-19 vaccine experiences! A big thank you to all participants and to Janessa Griffith for putting this video together.
Reclaiming the Story of Toronto– The Local – The Local praises Dr. Lisa Richardson Dr. Suzanne Shoush for the work they are doing with Anishnawbe Health Toronto
May 12, 2021 (12:06:32) – Global News – Dr. Suvendrini Lena says we need to offer young people a chance to get vaccinated
Why at-home testing is the next frontier in DIY lab work – CPA – Dr. Mohammad Akbari, a research scientist at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, is advocating to have access to at-home genetics sampling collection to see if they have a predisposition to various cancers
Instagram Posts Honouring MMIWG Taken Down – City News – Selena Mills comments on Instagram’s removal of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) movement posts
COVID-19 vaccines Q & A – OMNI – Dr. Akanksha Kulshreshtha shares COVID-19 vaccine facts and dispels myths in Punjabi
Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for women? – 89.1 FM – Dr Akanksha Kulshreshtha answers common questions about COVID-19 vaccines for Hindi speaking individuals
Rapid genetic testing can help women choose breast cancer treatment – The Frontier Post – Kelly Metcalfe discusses study results that show women with breast cancer who are offered rapid genetic testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are more likely to choose to have a bilateral (double) mastectomy
Great Women Who’ve Made a Mark on Diabetes History – Healthline – Dr. Gladys Boyd, one of the first physicians to treat diabetes in kids, included in round up of influential women who shaped diabetes healthcare
The Medical Post’s 2021 Power List – Canadian Healthcare Network – Dr. Bhatia – Dr. Sacha Bhatia has been named one of Canada’s most powerful doctors this year by the Medical Post
Update on Coronavirus in Ontario – CBC –Dr. Noah Ivers – Dr. Ivers comments in the COVID-19 case decline we have seen and says we need to keep up with our current public health measure
Which Genes for Hereditary Breast Cancer? – The New England Journal of Medicine – Dr. Steven Narod – NEJM publishes Dr. Steven Narod’s editorial on the associations between a number of putative cancer susceptibility genes and breast cancer risk
495: Indigenous Futurisms (27:00) – Spark with Nora Young – Dr. Lisa Richardson – Dr. Lisa Richardson says there is a need and understanding to partner with Indigenous communities to change the way we think of Indigenous healthcare