We are Women’s offers the WCH community a chance to get to know each other and share our stories.
Name: Christine Monague
Title & Department: Indigenous Peer Support and Relation Advocate-Centre for Wise Practices in Indigenous Health (CWP-IH)
On the WCH team for: (Length of time you have worked at WCH)
I have worked at CWP-IH for 7 months.
- What does your typical work day look like?
During a typical day, in my job as an Indigenous Peer Support and Relation Advocate, I assess the requests that have come in and see what needs to be actioned or followed up by providing cultural support, emotional support, a listening ear, or action navigational support to Indigenous patients at Women’s College Hospital.
- What excites you the most about working at WCH?
I am excited to be working at Women’s College Hospital and honoured to support Indigenous patients that come through the hospital.
- How does your work contribute to creating a positive patient experience?
The Indigenous Peer Support and Relations Advocate role will provide support and advocacy for First Nations, Inuit and Métis (FNIM) patients and families by coordinating access to services, providing peer support, addressing cultural/spiritual needs. They will help build a collective sense of community for individuals and draw on cultural teachings and resources to help individuals create holistic care plans as requested by clients or their care givers.
- Tell us one (or three) thing(s) that your colleagues would be surprised to learn about you?
I have eclectic music taste; I enjoy all types of music.
I am HUGE Toronto Maple Leafs Fan.
And I miss going to Powwows! I look forward to going to a Powwow again.