Meet Jordan Thorne

September 15, 2023

We are Women’s offers the WCH community a chance to get to know each other and share our stories.

Name: Jordan Thorne

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Title & Department: Peer Support worker in the Substance Use Service Department

On the WCH team for: 2 months

1. What does your typical workday look like?

On Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) days, which are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, I try to see as many clients as possible that want my help . Generally this looks like “hard cases”, so people with heavy drug use, marginalised people like people of colour, queer folks, those experiencing homelessness or poverty, or folks involved in the sex trade. I talk to them about their day and their goals. We’ll often go down to the café for some food and I’ll get an idea of resources that might benefit them. Otherwise I’m following up with clients or learning more skills on how to be a peer worker at WCH.

2. What excites you the most about working at WCH?

Before starting my work here, I heard through other trans male friends that this clinic was very good for trans folks and I’m excited to be a part of that. Although I haven’t met any trans males yet, I have been able to connect with several people that I feel like my unique personal experiences can help.

3. How does your work contribute to creating a positive patient experience?

I think I’m very open about my past and recovery, and I really listen to folks. I believe both skills combined make a safe space for people to open up.

4. Tell us three things that your colleagues would be surprised to learn about you!

  • I hitchhiked all over Canada when I was younger.
  • I lived in a tent on a lake with a cat for a while.
  • I took ballet, jazz and gymnastics as a kid.

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