We are Women’s offers the WCH community a chance to get to know each other and share our stories. As WCH’s Corporate Equity Committee (CEC) prepares to transition new members, we are profiling current CEC members and their term on the committee.
Name: Zakia Islam
Pronouns: She/Her
Title & Department: Health Information Analyst at Medical Imaging
On the WCH team for: 2.5 years
1. What made you decide to join the Corporate Equity Committee (CEC)?
As a person of color and part of a minority group, representation is extremely important, especially in a space such as this. It is a privilege to be in a position where my voice is heard and acknowledged.
2. What are you most proud of accomplishing on the CEC?
For me, it has been a huge learning experience more than anything. I had very little experience being part of a group where people bring so many different lived experiences and perspectives to the table and it has been illuminating and very exciting to see how everyone brings unique solutions to any issue. I am so proud of being one of the inaugural members of this group and help putting in the steps towards its proper functioning.
3. What would you like to see from the CEC in the next two years?
I would like to see more collaborative work within the hospital and outside. There is so much we can offer as a specialized hospital. Spreading the word to the community, identifying problems, removing barriers to care and bridging gaps are some things I would love to see this group accomplish, which, realistically, will most likely take more than two years but I am very hopeful!
4. For someone who is considering applying to join the CEC, how would you describe the experience? What kinds of things can they expect to work on and do?
The CEC is first and foremost an advisory committee, but we have our pulse in most of the equity work happening in the hospital. That being said, we help with all initiatives by promoting, volunteering, making recommendations, and welcoming any ideas and efforts that supports equity in the hospital. All the members are very welcoming and eager to help and support. Some of our most successful initiatives were the Black History and Futures Month and Pride Month celebrations which were collaborative work with amazing groups within the hospital and connecting with community members to really elevate the experience.
5. Tell us one to three things that your colleagues would be surprised to learn about you!
- I play softball in a league
- I LOVE earrings and I have more than 100 pairs
- For someone who loves plants I have not been able to keep any alive on my own 🙁 but I am a determined to grow a green thumb sooner or later!