On November 30, we held our annual Long Service Awards where staff and physicians of Women’s College Hospital that have reached the service milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 years were recognized. We celebrated virtually as well as in person in our Pink Cube with delicious cookies, coffee, & specialty tea provided by La Prep.
Our guests were welcomed to the event with WCH history trivia and opening remarks from our President and Corporate Executive Officer, Heather McPherson, on behalf of Senior Leadership Council. After acknowledging our meeting place as the traditional territory of many Indigenous nations, Heather recognized our recipients as being an integral part of the evolution of our organization and expressed gratitude for all their work.
Our recipients were credited for helping to shape WCH culture and commended for their unrelenting drive for exceptional care by our Vice President of People, Culture & Equity, and Corporate Human Resources Officer and Master of Ceremonies of the event, Sandra Smith.
Members of the Senior Leadership Council joined Heather and Sandra in thanking our recipients for their commitment & dedication to the hospital.
Our attendees were taken on a journey with a video montage provided by the Miss Margaret Robin’s Archives that highlighted significant milestones in the history of Women’s College Hospital dating back to 1983. Presentations which recognized our recipients were shared featuring photos, favourite WCH memories, comments from leaders, and movies, music, & news headlines released in the year in which our recipients joined WCH.
The 2023 Long Service Awards event was recorded and is available for viewing here. Our Long Service Awards webpage dedicated to recognizing our recipients have been updated to include those that have reached a milestone in 2023. The site contains photos, quotes, and memories that span the past four decades. For recipients who have not already submitted a photo or quote, it is not too late to do so. Please submit to recognition@wchospital.ca.