WRAP celebrates 25 years!

March 14, 2024
The WRAP team, 2024

Seeing a way forward after early childhood trauma is difficult. Finding your way when you feel alone or do not have the support of others can make this seem like an impossible task. For 25 years, the Women Recovering from Abuse Program (WRAP) has provided individuals who have suffered the impact of early childhood trauma a safe space to heal together and to move forward in health and wellness.

WRAP, an intensive group-therapy program in the Trauma Therapy Program and Women’s College Hospital, was created to help women (trans and cis), non-binary and gender diverse people who have experienced physical, emotional, sexual abuse and neglect in their childhood. While traditional treatment tends to treat the biproducts of trauma, such as anxiety or depression, WRAP aims to address the trauma itself, the root cause of the symptoms. Through intensive interpersonal, somatic, art-based, psycho-educational interventions, WRAP acknowledges the ways that early trauma shows up in adult life and offers tools and entry points for healing.

Over 25 years, WRAP’s patients number in the thousands, learning from each other, having a lasting impact on care providers and contributing to the evolution of the program. Staff and learners have come and gone through the clinic, sharing their compassion, care and expertise and leaving their indelible mark. Patrons of the WRAP program have generously contributed to the WCH foundation to help fund special initiatives along the way. This program was borne out of a shared commitment to end violence against children and adults in the world. Working in collaboration with patients, staff, and stakeholders, WRAP has stood the test of time and currently offers a model for the expert delivery of patient-centered, best practice care and teaching. Happy 25th birthday, WRAP!