
If your surgeon or oncologist recommends the removal of your entire breast (mastectomy) to treat your cancer, they should offer you the option of breast reconstruction. The goal of breast reconstruction is to restore a breast shape and contour that may be important to how you feel in your body overall, either from your own tissue (from other parts of your body) or implants. Breast reconstruction is an extremely personal choice that is dependent on your preferences and health history. Some women may not be candidates for breast reconstruction and others may choose not to reconstruct (the flat option). We have compiled a few resources below created by and for Black women, to guide you through your journey, and decision-making process.

Question and Answer Session with Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Bimpe Ayeni

Dr. Bimpe Ayeni is a plastic surgeon specializing in breast reduction, lifts and reconstruction surgery for breast cancer patients. See the Q&A video with her below, addressing the different types of reconstruction, factors for decision-making, and unique considerations for healing of Black skin.

Uncovered: A Breast Recognition Project, created by Michelle Audoin and Rethink Breast Cancer

Uncovered: A Breast Recognition Project, is a resource created by Michelle Audoin and Rethink Breast Cancer. It focuses on the breast cancer experience of Black women, through powerful imagery and real women’s stories that shine a light on the physical and emotional scars of breast cancer. Uncovered was developed in response to the under representation of, and lack of support for, Black women in the breast cancer community.

You can view the stories and powerful images of women here.

Virtual Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day by the Peter Gilgan Centre for Women’s Cancers

Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day is an annual event that brings patients and leading breast reconstruction experts together to answer questions around reconstruction. You can view some past recordings from BRA DAY 2020 for more information around topics like preparing for surgery, types of breast reconstruction, navigating the psychosocial process and choosing not to reconstruct. Take a look at Tanya’ story below from BRA DAY 2021, about her experiences and decision-making with breast reconstruction with silicone implants.

peter giligan centre for womens cancer logo and the olive branch of hope logo

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Graphics Designed Nafisa Salima
We are grateful for the support for this page from Pfizer and ReThink Breast Cancer
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