The Reproductive Life Stages program in the Department of Psychiatry provides assessment and short-term treatment for individuals experiencing new or recurrent mental health problems during the reproductive life stages (menstrual cycle, pregnancy, postpartum and the menopausal transition).
Our interprofessional team works with a trauma-informed lens and we are actively engaged in establishing anti-oppressive practices. We welcome gender diverse individuals.
The program has two child psychiatrists on staff who provide care to children of parents with mental health issues and one addiction psychiatrist on staff.
The program is also committed to educating healthcare providers and to conducting research to further understand mental health as it relates to each reproductive life stage.
Contact Info
Women’s College Hospital
76 Grenville Street
Floor 7
Phone: 416-323-6230
Fax: 416-323-6356
Hours of Service:
Monday – Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Interested in participating in a clinical study?
The Reproductive Life Stages program in the Department of Psychiatry provides assessment and short-term treatment for individuals experiencing new or recurrent mental health problems during the reproductive life stages (menstrual cycle, pregnancy, postpartum and the menopausal transition).
Psychiatrists in our program provide consultation with treatment recommendations for mental health conditions linked to the menstrual cycle.
Many individuals experience worsening of underlying mental health conditions premenstrually (premenstrual exacerbation). Others may experience symptoms such as depressed mood, anxiety, irritability, and interpersonal sensitivity that are restricted to the time period leading up to menses (premenstrual dysphoric disorder).
Prior to an assessment, you will be asked to complete a set of questionnaires to track the relationship between your menstrual cycle and various symptoms for a period of at least two months.
Psychiatrists in our program provide consultation around pregnancy planning in the context of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trauma and stressor-related disorders (eg PTSD), bipolar disorder, and psychotic disorders. Consultations may include a discussion of medication use in pregnancy and risks associated with the underlying condition.
The program offers a combination of education, brief psychotherapy and medication to treat mental health conditions in pregnancy and postpartum. Individuals may be seen up to one year postpartum.
The program is inclusive of trans-men who experience pregnancy and delivery. Adoptive parents and co-parents who identify as mothers can also be referred in the postpartum period.
The Father’s Mental Health Program at St. Joseph’s Health Centre and Mount Sinai Hospital offers a Consultation and Treatment Service for expecting and new and fathers with young children.
Conditions treated include depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trauma and stressor-related disorders (eg PTSD), bipolar disorder, and psychotic disorders.
The majority of the therapy provided in our program is in a group format conducted virtually. There may be in-person groups based on demand.
Psychiatrists in our program provide assessment and psychiatric treatment recommendations for mental health conditions linked to the menopausal transition.
The transition to menopause (perimenopause) may take 5-10 years and may be accompanied by vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats), changes in sexual functioning, and cognitive changes as periods become more irregular. Perimenopause is often associated with an exacerbation of underlying mental health conditions.
Pregnant and Postpartum Individuals
Prior to your visit, your physician or midwife will request a consultation from us by faxing us a referral form. If your referral is appropriate for our program, we will call you to schedule a telephone pre-assessment with the RLS intake worker that will happen prior to your visit with the RLS psychiatrist.
You will be asked to complete a short questionnaire over the phone so that we can better understand what symptoms you are having, and how severe these are. You must complete your intake telephone call prior to your visit with the RLS psychiatrist. If you have not done so, then your visit with the RLS psychiatrist will be cancelled. It may be rescheduled once the intake telephone call is complete.
Non-Perinatal Individuals
If you are not pregnant or postpartum, an appointment date and time will be sent to you and your referring provider. You may be asked to complete a set of questionnaires which must be submitted to the RLS program prior to your consultation with the RLS psychiatrist.
If the questionnaires are not completed by the due date provided then your visit with the RLS psychiatrist will be cancelled. It may be rescheduled once the questionnaires are complete.
For an in-person visit, , please proceed to check in on the 7th floor at the information desk where you will be asked to fill out some important forms, including your current medications, and whether you would be willing to participate in research studies in our program if you are eligible. Please arrive 15 minutes early for your scheduled appointment to complete these forms.
You are welcome to bring any children under the age of one in for your appointment. On-site child care for children of all ages is available through Stella’s Playroom and should be booked in advance.
For a virtual visit, please check in 15 min early in order to complete and verify your health information. Please ensure that you have a reliable internet connection and are in a setting appropriate for a medical appointment.
Your first visit to our program will be with one of the RLS program psychiatrists who will help determine a treatment plan to meet your needs. Individuals who are pregnant or postpartum may be referred for additional services in the RLS program, including therapy,
Access your medical records, or prepare for a video appointment through MyHealthRecord:
Here are some resources to provide the answers to many of the questions you may have about mental health during reproductive life stages:
Patient Flow – Navigation of RLS Service
Educational Videos
Postpartum Mental Health - video provided by Women’s Health Education Made Simple
Designed by Aileen Lin, the following series of videos provide information about mental health in pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Community Resources
- City of Toronto: Healthy Babies Healthy ChildrenProvides support services, including home visiting for pregnant and postpartum women in their communities (also available from local public health departments outside Toronto).
- Postpartum Support International
Open Forum: weekly telephone support via 800 bridgeline.
“Chat with an expert”
Call schedule and access codes are available here, or call 1-800-944-4773 for more information. - Healthy Babies Healthy Children
- Mother to Baby
- Medicines in Pregnancy
- Post Partum
Menopause Resources
Wait Times
At the present time, we are offering appointments for most referred patients within 4 – 12 weeks of the referral being received. If patients are pregnant or postpartum, they may be given an expedited appointment based on the intake pre-assessment. Patients referred for premenstrual symptoms are asked to complete daily mood tracking for 3-4 menstrual cycles prior to their appointment.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Referrals
Referrals to the Reproductive Life Stages (RLS) Program for pregnant and postpartum patients must include a completed EPDS form. Please include hospital of delivery and EPDS score in the referral for triaging purposes. Referrals will not be accepted without this information.
Once completed, please fax to 416-323-6356.
- We see patients ages 18 and above through pregnancy and up until one year postpartum.
For midwives:
Due to new OHIP billing rules around virtual care, patients referred directly by midwives will need to be booked in person for their initial visit. If a physician/nurse practitioner makes the referral, then the patient can be seen for their initial consult by video. All follow ups can be provided by video after the initial visit.
Perimenstrual Referrals
We provide assessments and treatment recommendations for patients ages 18 and above for mental health conditions linked to the menstrual cycle.. We do not offer ongoing follow up for these referrals.
Perimenopause Referrals
We provide assessments and treatment recommendations for mental health conditions linked to the menopausal transition. We do not offer ongoing follow up for these referrals.
Pregnancy Planning Referrals
We provide consultation for pregnancy planning for patients ages 18 and above in the context of mental health conditions and use of psychotropic medications. We do not offer follow up and ongoing treatment in the context of pregnancy planning.